Chapter 52

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Leo's POV

Kenna left for New York a couple of days ago. Not that it really mattered anyway because we were no longer together. Hurt was an understatement of how I felt these days. Having to walk around the house and not uttering a single word to each other was hard. Seeing her so sad killed me but it had to be done. She was very right in the decision. We simply didn't have the time for each other, our stupid schedules messed up our relationship. I had my doubts every now and then but talking to her just last week really put things into perspective. Having worries about where she is, who's she's with, what guys were trying to woo her. I had some idea of what the music industry was like but it just worried me too much about the people she surrounded herself with. She grew to be so damn confident and persistent that I couldn't stop her nor did I want to.

A couple of weeks came by slowly. I was still very down in the dumps about the breakup. It was nothing I ever experienced before. I tried to surround myself with friends...well just tobey because I couldn't be assed going out to party.

"I didn't want to go there...but are you ok man? I'm starting to get worried" I hear Tobey say from across the living room

"Yeah I'm fine" I nodded forcing a small smile. Must of not looked near as convincing because it caused tobey to frown and turn the volume down on the tv

"No you're not, I've known you for more than a decade and you're not ok, you've been going through a packet of cigarettes a day" I sighed and slumped back into the couch. My face as blank as it has been the last couple of weeks

"I don't know what do you want me to say? That I'm not ok? Because there I said it I'm not" I low key snapped

"It's fine to be hurt Leo, you don't need to up hold a reputation as the unbreakable heart throb. She was your first love it's going to take time"

"I still fucking love her, but I don't want to stop her I don't want to be the reason why she's lacking in her music" I rambled on. Tobey just sat and listened. He didn't try tell me otherwise or try to put his advice onto me which is why I chose to hang with him than the others

"I'm changing the channel, I don't think we want to watch Disney" he chuckled. I just raised my eyebrows in response as he started to race through the many different channels on the television. One caught my attention in particular

"Hold on go back" I instructed. Tobey gave me a serious look

"I don't think that's a good idea" I gave him a glare that pushed him into going back to the channel. Before me was Kenna on the television doing an interview with E! Entertainment. Due to Tobey turning off the volume I couldn't hear a single word that was being said

"Tobey turn it up won't you?" I said

"Are you sure? I don't think it's a good idea"

"Please" I looked at him dead in the eye. He must've saw the desperation in my eyes. He sighed and turned up the tv

"Oh is that Britney Spears with her?" Tobey questioned

"Shoosh" I muttered causing him to roll his eyes

"-Kenna actually opened up my shows on the America tour, it's just so good to have someone that your so close with whilst away from home, it can get a bit lonely sometimes" the blonde haired girl said

"Oh I totally agree" Kenna spoke up

"So typical, she would've just arrived at new York and she's already straight into it...I guess she was right" I scoffed. She said she was busy but never really realise how much she was doing

"Well I understand you two wrote a song together. So everyone you're hearing it here first on E! Entertainment, Kenna Rae and Britney Spears with 'Everytime'"

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