Chapter 7

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Hey guys!
Here's chapter 7, if you've been an og and have been reading this book since I first posted (only started a couple of days ago lol) I've actually made 2 changes 🫣🫣
I changed McKennas dad to Baz lurhmann the original director of Romeo and Juliet! I had it as Martin Scorsese but I have changed my mind for the upcoming plot hehe so I need Baz to be her father and I also changed Laylas name to Marissa sorry not sorry
Noooooow carry on...

Leo's POV

Kenna has just gone to bed and after talking to Baz for some time I think it was time for me to think about heading to bed also

I switched off the lights on my way up to my room. Once I reached the top, I rubbed the back of my neck aching from the bad posture I sat in all day. I glanced over at the door adjacent to mine. Furrowing my eyebrows as my mind wandered.

A couple of years ago, Baz wandered into my life again. He was still good friends with my mom you see. I never had my dad around so I guess he was the next closest thing. My mom decided to move back to Germany a couple months ago to look after my grandmother, I couldn't stop her. Baz gave me the opportunity to live with him and given the circumstances of co directing and producing his film I couldn't turn down the offer but only in one condition. I didn't want to interfere with Kenna's life given our hatred record. Not that I never hated her mind you. He did tell me she was barely home but really it was quite the opposite.

I pulled myself out of thought and looked at my watch. It was now 11:15. I mentally groaned. Kristen, my girlfriend, was set to land around 4. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep. Perhaps I should give McKenna a heads up but then again why would she care. She didn't seem to care for me at all. Although maybe she'd appreciate the thought of telling her. I stood there for a hot minute battling with my mind. I'll just make it quick.

As I brought up my hand to lightly knock the door swung open

"Leo?" I jumped, She said while putting her hair up in a messy bun. She was in an oversized hoodie, so oversized that it was almost reaching her knees. Her face now bare from makeup. I think this is the first time I've seen her in her natural skin in a long time

She opened the door wider walking over to her vanity, opening assortment of tubs and bottles then settling to some sort of oil? To run into her face. I took in the surroundings. It screamed rich girl. Her walls is pristine white and her bed was a huge king posted bed. She had gold subtle features around the room. it was a lot to take in

"Sorry" she broke me out of my trance. I walked over to her bed to sit, bouncing a couple of times. Mmmm comfy, I should really look into buying one of these

Her throat cleared sending my eyes into contact with hers through her mirror. "Do you ever get that feeling whe-"

"You feel someone's presence" I found myself finishing her sentence

"Yeh" she smiled softly "I just felt like someone was in front of my door, I just had to check it out...I didn't mean to scare you like that"

I remember when her mum passed she'd always talk about this feeling of feeling a presence around her. Even if it wasn't related to her mum, she just had this power of knowing if someone was in her vicinity which made it always impossible for me to sneakily prank her in the past

"It's like your sixth sense" I smirked at her "what are you doing anyway there's nothing on your face why are you putting all that stuff on it" I said gesturing to my face

"Beauty is pain I'm afraid Mr DiCaprio" I nodded

"Too much effort" I scoffed "just don't burry yourself in makeup 24/7 that can't be too good for your skin" I say. All I did was wash my face with soap, if felt like being fancy some nights I'd use a face cleanser not all of that other skincare shit

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