Chapter 13

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McKennas POV

I woke up to the sound of soft snores, I peered to my right and saw Leo fast asleep. OH NO I lifted up the blanket seeing that I was still fully dress. Phew praise the lord for that. I looked at my phone and saw it was only 5am and I didn't need to get up for another hour. I got up and walked down the stairs. My head banging from the previous night. I don't remember much really.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water and popped 2 aspirins into my mouth. I heard yawning coming from the lounge room so I took it upon myself to go check it out.

"Morning" I saw tobey sitting up. Kate was up on the couch just chilling on her phone

"What are you guys still doing here?" I said sitting on the floor next to Tobey.

"Well you and Leo disappeared so we decided to look after the party for you, don't worry everyone left an hour after you guys disappeared anyway" tobey started explaining

"Leo said it was ok for us to crash if we needed to" Kate said as she stretch and yawned

"What happened? Where's Ava?" I questioned still oblivious on what happened last night. It can't be that bad? Right?

Both tobey and Kate looked at each other as if they were telepathically asking each other whether or not to tell me


"Um so you see long story short Leo and Ava hooked up, you made a big commotion and kicked Ava out and then Leo and you disappeared" I groaned loudly and rubbed my face. I want to die, this hangover wasn't making it any better

"Leo slept in my room last night...I think I remember what happened now" Kates eyes widened in shock and tobey smirked

"No no no it's not what you think" I held my head up with my hands. I started listing the events that happened out loud unintentionally

"So I saw Leo and Ava kissing, I poured the drink on Ava then kicked her out but Leo didn't seem impressed to see Ava on his lap. Wait I went off at him about cheating" I said thoughtfully

"As you should" Kate agreed

"Wait no he told me they broke up..."

"WHAT?! I hung with Kris for a little bit and she didn't say anything...did you know about this?" Kate said looking at Tobey.

"Yes and no, Leo spoke about it briefly but I didn't think he'd do it last night" tobey shrugged

"Right... well they broke up, so technically he didn't cheat...umm oh my god" I exclaimed both tobey and Kate leaning in curiosity

"Go on, what happened?" Kate asked while I threw my hands over my head

"Ithinkhetoldmehethoughtavawasmesothatswhyhekissedher" I said let out quickly. Tobey eyes opened widely, and his mouth hung open as if he was going to say something, but I guess he was just speechless. I gagged in my mouth feeling a sudden urge to vomit. Kate handed me a bucket. I turned around quickly and did what I had to do, then turned back around

"What did you say" Kate still trying to understand what I have just said. I wiped my lips with my hand. I let out a lengthy breath

"Last night Ava went up to Leo and told him that she has liked him for such a long time. He said it was dark so he couldn't really see who it was but he assumed it was me" I explained

"HE WHAT?" Kate yelled tobey quickly out his hands over her mouth

"Keep your voice down, he thought Ava was me so he kissed her, I guess he was too drunk to realise" I rolled my eyes

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