Chapter 22

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McKennas POV

I was in bed all night crying. I tried calling Ava countless times but no surprise she didn't answer. She's been ignoring all of my calls and texts since my party a while ago. She was the only person that had a hold of the picture. She told me she wouldn't share it. I trusted her until she went ahead and sent it to Leo. And what does Leo do? Shares it with majority of the cast members. People who I have to see almost everyday, people I have to work with.

I remember he told me Ava was the worse out of our group in terms of trust and gossip. I was too naive to believe him when he said it but look what happened. He should've warned me about himself. He fed me lies that he's changed. How was I supposed to trust the fact that he tried stopping the rumours high school? He could've been the one spreading them just as I originally thought

I just felt so lost. Deep down I felt betrayed and broken to the fact that Leo would go back to his old roots but I guess it was only a matter of time before he showed that he didn't in fact change at all. It's still very clear I had feelings for him, but they need to go.

I felt so violated that the guys saw the picture. It wasn't suppose to be seen. It was something I was going to take to my grave. I didn't even want to show up to work today just incase I ran into one of them

Today we were filming the scene where Romeo and Juliet dies. I didn't want to do it. I was already so emotionally drained. I had no tears left to cry as I've used it all up last night.

I wore a long white dress and had my hair left down. I couldn't speak to Amy and Melissa today as I couldn't find the energy. I walked on set, walking straight pass Leo and the work crew, meeting my dad at the bed that sat in the middle of the church stage.

"Woah the makeup people did great today" he said, all I could do was sigh and look at him blankly

"It's not makeup" I blankly said causing him to express a sympathetic look

"Baz we're ready whenever you are" causing him to purely focus on work again and ignore the matter on why my eyes were so puffy and bloodshot. Nothing I'm not used to

"I'll get you to lay on here honey. Just lay your hands on your torso while I get crew to fix your hair ok" he squeezed my shoulder and I hopped on to the bed doing as directed. I looked around the church seeing all the candles lit up as the warm ambient bounces off the wall. This all felt very daunting. To think I'm supposed to be acting like I'm dead felt really scary. I'll have to watch Leo die then kill myself after. I'm not in the right mind set for this.

"Ok places everyone" everyone rushed around as I forced myself to shut my eyes

"Aaaand action" I heard footsteps get louder and louder knowing that Leo was getting closer. To think this was going to be the first time seeing him since yesterday. It intimidated me.

I felt a dip on the bed as he laid next to me. His hands caressing my face.

"My love, my life" he started.

Despite everything that happened yesterday and everything that has happened between me and Leo I couldn't help but have butterflies in my tummy, my heart only aching at the lingering sadness in his voice.

"-Eyes look at last, let me take one last embrace, and lips only to the doors to breath and seal with a righteous kiss" he leant down giving me a kiss. I wanted to kiss back so so bad but I knew if I did then we'd have to restart the scene. I felt a wet drop fall on to my skin. I was nervous to see him cry, I was just nervous to see him general.

I forced open my eyes. Remembering to plant a small awestruck smile on my face, when all I wanted to do is frown. He had a cut on his cheekbone. I remembered yesterday before entering my room that both Leo and Paul were injured. Did they get into a fight? Did they fight each other?

Leo brought up a small vile of the "poison" to his lips cuing me to start reciting my lines. Praying that any sort of quiver in my voice didn't slip up. He fell into my arms and started to stagger his breathing. I know I said I was all out of tears but seeing Leo like this made it so surreal. It was all an act but I just couldn't shake the feeling of panic that he was dying before me. Every scene I've done with him so far felt like reality. It was as if we were Romeo and Juliet in real life

"Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after?" I managed to say. Leo never broke eye contact. He had tears streaming from his eyes just like me.

"I'll kiss thy lip, haply some poison yet doth hang on them" I leant down and kissed him this time. Him giving me a slight kiss back. He wasn't supposed to but he did

"Thy lips are warm" he looked into my eyes, him dancing between the two of them. It was facaded with so much sadness

"Thus...with a kiss.." he weakly said. I watched him turn his head to the side and his eyes roll back. I was forcing myself to hold on to my tears for a little bit longer. It felt so real. It felt like he slipped through my fingers. I didn't even have the chance to tell him how I felt. I know I told him that he was dead to me yesterday but I didn't mean it. I just wish I could take it all back

I let out a huge cry. This wasn't acting. It was all me letting out my emotions. Tears heavily streaming down my face at this point. It hurts way to much to see Leo like this. I just wanted this scene to be done.

I grabbed the gun that was by his leg and pointed to my head. I honestly don't think I could live without Leo, whether it be him being my best friend, nemesis or.....lover. With that I pulled the trigger and fell into his arms

"Cut! Wow just wow" my dad clapped as he began to walk toward the stage. Both me and Leo opened our eyes and fell into a deep eye connection . I couldn't do it, I need air. My lips started to tremble and tears threatened to spill again. Will I ever stop crying?

"That was amazing, you really had me on the edge of my seat" my dad laughed trying to break the sad energy surrounding the room.

"I don't think we need another take for this scene" he said as he trailed off watching me push pass him and run to the exit.

I got out to the back of the building and slid down the wall. My head falling into my arms that was supported by my knees. I just sobbed. Loudly must I add.

Why was it always Leo that seems to do wrong in my life? I went through him taking shots at me for more than a decade and he goes and shows the pictures. Was it because he was trying to up one on Jesse? Because if so that's just ridiculous. I just feel lost in my emotions I don't know whether these feelings I had for would go away.


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