Chapter 18

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McKennas POV

Leo and I were watching the basketball diaries. The most recent movies he's starred in. Its really captivating surprisingly. I thought it'd be a good idea for me to see how he acts. You know now that he's playing Romeo and all.

I kept stealing small glances at him. It was amazing how he was able to watch a movie that he has played in.

I just couldn't get over his jaw structure. It's so... I shook my head. I already felt guilty enough sitting here watching a movie with Leo when I should've been out with Jesse instead.

The thing is after mine and Leo's heated discussion in dads room earlier I just couldn't get out the part where he admitted that he was jealous of watching me and Paul kiss. Why would he have to be jealous of Paul kissing me? Then of course it brought back the memories of the party when he told me he thought Ava was me confessing my feelings for him and he kissed her only because he thought it was me. Then another, earlier today when he spun me around and then to just now. I've caught him steal little looks at me here and there. All of this not making any sense at all. There were always this undefined tension between us now but not the bad kind.

I looked back at the screen to see Mickey and his character Jim sitting at the bar. I squinted

"Wait is that mark Wahlberg?" I questioned as I thought Mickey looked quite familiar

"Yeah it is" he chuckled

"He was at our party? I never understood why he was there" I said thoughtfully, him just nodding in response and sending his focus back at the screen

"I thought you hated him? I remember hearing you talk about him at school"

"That's true, but after working with him, we got to know each other a lot more so now you can say we're close" he shrugged. I wonder if our relationship will get better now that we were costars? Or will it get worse considering we're going to pretty much be joined at the hips. Considering it worked out for mark and him, I could only hope it'd get better for us aswell

The movie has now ended. I had tears close to spilling as I watched Jim cry at his mothers door steps. Leo really knew how to capture his emotions it was quite impressive and as Ava has stated he was super atttactive in this film. I think my little 12 year old self would have frothed over him. I think

I looked over to the left of me seeing Leo starting to doze off

"Leo" I softly nudged him

"Mhmm" he said as he slowly looked at me with heavy blinks

"I'm gonna go to my room now" I whispered, him barely nodding

"Leo?" He didn't say a word. No way was he gonna sleep on this couch, he'll get a sore back. If I could carry him I would but fat chance thats going to happen

"Leo go to bed"

"I'll be fine"

"No come on, I'll help you up" I got up and grabbed his wrists. The instant contact sending a shock through my body. I pulled, standing him up but now he was centimetres away from me, our bodies almost touching.

"Night Kenna" he said as he pulled me into a hug. Making my butterflies burst at the immediate contact. I froze not knowing what to do. He must be really tired. I mean we've hugged all the time in the past it's nothing different. I brought my arms up to return the gesture

"Night Leo" I almost whispered as I broke the hug and walked into my room. Turning into a nervous wreck when I fumbled at the door handle.

One thing I could never explain is when I'm with Jesse I had this warm feeling, I didn't feel nervous around him nor did I feel conscious but with Leo it was whole different story. Despite all the arguing, I had this inexplainable nervous feeling around him, I always have butterflies in my tummy and he was always on my mind good or bad he's always there.

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