Chapter 38

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McKennas POV

It's been 2 months since I've seen Leo. Have I heard from him? Nope not at all. Have I made my first song yet? Nope to that too. I've been doing covers of songs here and there but producing my own music is literally at a stand still.

I was currently sitting in front of the television eating dinner whilst watching pulp fiction.


"Do you want me to go check that for you?" I couldn't take my eyes off the tv as the movie played. I waved my hand at Tobey to gesture to check my phone.

"Who is it?" I say as I take a quick glimpse back at him but them immediately focusing on the screen again. It took him a while to answer but I didn't really notice

"Uuuuh it's your dad"

"No bother I'll message him tomorrow....Tobey I swear you're gonna miss this bit"

"Yeah I'll be there in a sec!" I hear him shout

After 5 minutes he finally planted himself on the couch.

"Did I miss much?"

"No you've just made it back in time, Vincent just found Mia on the floor...she's overdosed" Tobey laughed

"And how many times have you seen this?"

"Hmmm this will be the 5th time I think"

"And you're watching this like this is the first"

"Hey it's a good movie" I nudged him as I took a spoonful of my Chinese food


"I swear one day I'll be in a Quentin Tarantino movie, it's just so unique how he pieces his films and the gory, the gory man I love it"

"Ok one dream at a time, you still got to come out with a single still"

"I know I know... by the way what took you so long?" I questioned now facing him

"Oh you know...had to go the bathroom" he sounded like he was trying convince himself.

"Okaaaay.." I said, he's acting so suspicious

"Well I better head to bed I have a huge day of filming"

"What? You're not even going to finish the movie"

"I know, but I really should get some sleep"

"Suit yourself" I watched as he rushed off to bed. I can see right through him, but I wonder what he's so worried about.

After the movie I ended up going straight to bed but I couldn't sleep at all.


Who would be messaging me at 3am? I glanced at my phone.


I rolled to my side to try fall asleep. Wait did I read that correctly? I sat up quickly and snatched my phone off the bedside table. Ava? I frowned and opened up the message

Ava: did you get the pics?

Don't ask why I still have her number saved, I just do. I wonder what pictures she's on about? I pondered over the key pads, indecisive if I should answer or not. I just put my phone down and fell back on to my pillows, tossing and turning on what this girl could be on about

*bing bing bing bing*

"Uuuugh" I slid my phone into my hand. Bringing it up to my face. I guess I'll have to deal with it now. I opened up the message letting out a huge sigh. Let's see what Ava has to say. I frowned. It was just a bunch of pictures and a link. I clicked on the first picture, then the next, then the next ones. My breathing getting rapid as I looked at each image 

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