Chapter 30

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McKennas POV


I flinched to the sound of my phone going off. That's all my phone seemed to do lately. Ever since the photos got released and printed all over the magazines I've received a lot of hate. A lot of criticism.

"Ugh she's so fat why did Leo choose her"

"McKenna is just going to send Leonardo down a big hole"

"This McKenna chick is literally dragging Leo down"

"Why is she posting pics of her self in lingerie??? She's got nothing but rolls"

"Kristen must be laughing at Leo choosing a plastic girl over her"

It just never stops. My brain wasn't wired to receive this kind of backlash. I was just determined to prove everyone that I wasn't fat, that I wasn't partygoer. I just need people to back off. So what I am doing? I'm going to lose some weight first. I've already convinced myself to stay out of the party life. I've barely eaten since I received the hate and been out running every morning. All I needed to do is drop a few pounds then I'm sweet.

This isn't my first rodeo having to go through this though. Back in high school I had people breathing down my neck on my appearance. When I finally joined the cheer squad I was told I'd only look the part if I was a blonde. I refused to lighten my hair for as long as I could until the sneaky snarks forced me to bleach my hair platinum blonde for the remainder of my school years. I had bad acne for most years leaving Leo to point them out and the rest of the year group to tease me about it so what did I do?went ahead and packed my face with makeup and do a trillion step skincare routine every day and night to get rid of them. Then I got glasses, Leo called me four eyes once, then the whole school followed so I went ahead and got contacts. You could say it was the friendship group that made my life hell, which is true I'm not going to lie, but even when I tried steering away from the group I just got rumours made up about me turning everyone away from me. I seriously had the a-graders or "nerds" as some call, say I was to chubby to be in the cheer squad. So I lost the weight. Everyone said I was "popular" but I literally got bullied most my high school life how is that being popular?

So when all these hate comments came about I could only think of all the things I went through in high school. I don't want to go through that again. I dread to go through that again. If I lost the weight what is there for people to hate on am I right?

I sat on my couch rugged up in Leo's sweater and mini pj shorts, as I flicked through my script. Dad said there is going to be one last scene and then we're done. All I wanted to do is go home, I'm just so exhausted. Plus I needed to speak to Ava desperately. Until now she hasn't even uttered a single word to me. She's got to be the one to leak the photo right?

I pondered over the lines with my fingers to try and find the scene my dad was on about

"Tybalt kills Mercutio yada yada Romeo kills tybalt then get banished from Verona" I listed out loud as if I was talking to someone

"Hey....what are you doing" Leo walks in with a cardboard container in hand and chuckles

"Oh just going through the script" I say as I continue to read

"You hungry? I brought you your pasta"

"No I'm ok"

"You sure have you eaten already?" Leo said as he walked into my small kitchen. Opening up some cupboards trying to find a plate

"Nope" I said without thought.

"Let me just heat this up for you then"

"NO" I quickly snapped without meaning to. Leo gave me a frown "I mean I'm not hungry, I'll heat it up later or something" Leo slowly nodded and chucked the meal into the fridge. Then coming over to the couch. Planting himself on the opposite end. Smirking as he glanced at the sweater I was wearing. I looked back at the script. Great I've lost my spot

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