Chapter 15

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McKennas POV

It's now been a couple of days now. The dinner we had the night we arrived in Mexico went well, although we kept it short and sweet due to everyone being so exhausted.

I met Diane and Miriam, who were going to play my mother and maid in the film. I could already tell we were going to get along really well. Diane already seemed like a motherly figure to me which is ironic because she wasn't as great of a mum in the film.

I spent most my night getting to know Jesse more. Which went amazingly, we even traded numbers and planned to see each other again. Should I call it a date?

Anyhow Leo on the other hand didn't seem too impressed. He butted into our conversations and at one stage managed to get Paul, who was sitting on the other side of me, to exchange spots with him. The whole night it was as if Jesse and him were fighting for my attention. Which I didn't understand.

Today was our first shooting which is the scene in the elevator where Romeo and Juliet kiss. I know I'm kissing Paul today! I'm a nervous wreck. What bothered me so much is that I saw Paul as an older brother to me, it was going to be uncomfortable regardless.

I've just had my shower and sported an oversized tee and bike shorts only because I'd be changing out of it as soon as I get to set. Once I was ready I walked into Leo's room.

"Good morrow" he chanted as I closed the door to his room. I rolled my eyes playfully knowing he was reciting Shakespeare

"You ready to go?" I said biting my nails, him holding my shoulders. He knew me well enough that I chewed my fingernails when I'm nervous

"Don't worry you're gonna do great" he said assuringly. I shook of his hands and walked towards his door to leave him following close behind

"Yeah you say that, but you're not the one having to kiss Paul today" scrunching my nose as he shut his door behind us. I saw his face drop and he went really quiet. I shrugged it off as nothing as I am still worried about the kiss

We hopped in the hire car and drove to the set. Arriving to the location in 10 minutes. Leo went in straight away as he had a few things he needed to take care of for the first scene

I walked in, clutching my bag, taking in the view of the environment. There were props laying around and people rushing around. It was all starting to become real for me.

I spotted Paul talking to my father. My dad waved me over causing me to walk towards there direction.

"Good morrow" Paul greeted

"Oh not you too. I had Leo say that to me this morning" I giggled

"By the end of this McKenna we'll all be fluent in this nonsense" Paul said with a disgusted look causing me to laugh

"I'll need you guys to get into your costumes so we can go ahead with the scene. We will be filming in that elevator set over there" dad said pointing over at the set. Both me and Paul followed the direction he was pointing in. Then we looked at other

"It's a bit small you reckon Baz?" Paul questioned. He said exactly what was on my mind. I can see how we were going to fit in there but not the film crew and cameras

"I thought so too, but I'm eager to make it work, you guys head to your trailers I'll see you 2 soon" dad said as he rushes off talking into a radio. I shook my head

"Come on, do you know where your trailer is?"

"I don't actually"

"Let's go, I'll show you the way" he said weaving in between people as they scurried off to prepare for the scene. He pulled up to a white trailer that had my name in black letters on the door.

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