Chapter 20

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McKennas POV

It's now been a few hours since the lift incident I now had my hair in a updo and I wore a v cut dress that cut off at the shins. I was just happy it wasn't a traditional wedding dress.

I purposely stayed in my trailer until I absolutely had to be there to avoid contact with Leo and also Jesse. When it was finally time I walked out and into the church set

"Aaaah there's my Juliet" my dad wrapped his arm around me and grinned

"Alright let's get this show started"

"You look beautiful my sweetheart" Miriam said as I stood beside her. I gave her a quick hug

"Honey, your shaking, why are you nervous?" I didn't find the words only scanning the room to see Leonardo already mesmerised eyes meeting with mine. The butterflies swarmed

"Is it leonardo" Miriam hinted. I looked back at her and my face turned red. The music started and a choir filled in the atmosphere. Everything just felt so real. I took my place a little ahead of Miriam. I looked at Jesse who gave me a toothy grin but I couldn't help but divert my eyes to Leo's. His face washed with a soft expression and his eyes bleeming with awestruck. I couldn't help but think if mine were the same.

It was as if any worries that clouded my mind earlier flew out the window. He stood before me with a blue suit and floral tie. He was rather handsome, it made my heart flutter.

"Ok and action!" My dad yelled. Only I couldn't find the urge to move. I was frozen in place just getting lost in those ocean blue eyes

"Cut! McKenna that's your cue to start walking down the aisle" I nodded slowly not breaking the trance with Leo. Dad looked between the two of us.

"Okaaaay" he dragged out confused on the energy in the room

"Take 2 aaaaaaaaaand action!" The music echoed across the room again. This time I was able to force myself to walk. We still held our long eye contact it was as if his presence was reeling me in. He gave me a slight smile causing me to get all giddy as it was shown in a huge grin. What am I doing? I quickly looked over at Jesse who also looked awestruck. I couldn't help but divert my brown eyes back to Leo who was now sharing a warm smile. I noticed Jesse looking into the direction of my gaze noticing it was Leo that I was in fact looking at. He looked at me then slowly at Leo. Not breaking a smile himself as the cameras were rolling. I knew at that moment he knew

As I neared Leo and Jesse, Leo stepped forward to stand next to me. We both looked at each other. Out eyes meeting. I quickly glanced at his lips. His face tinted a slight red making me giggle and look down to the ground. We both took a deep shaky breath and with that walked forward to meet Pete who played friar Lawrence. My arm tucked around his elbow sent me a shock through my body but it felt more like comfort if anything

As we passed Jesse I heard him scoff quietly. I prayed that he was not being filmed at this moment.

"These violent delights, have violent ends and in their triumph die like fire and powder. Which as they kiss, consume the sweetest honey is loathsome in its own deliciousness." Pete started. I looked at Leo causing him to smirk and grab a ring out of his pocket. He brought up my hand and focused on slipping the ring on my finger. All I could do was watch him in awe as he concentrated Everything just felt so real, so right.

"Therefore love moderately -" we both diverted our focus to Pete. I was starting to feel butterflies creep through my body as I knew we had to kiss next. I felt Leo's hands get clammy and fidgety. We both knew this kiss was going to be something we both craved from earlier today.

"Romeo shall thank thee daughter, for us both" Pete cued. We both looked at each other. Both stealing glances at each others lips. We both leaned forward and our lips met. Locking into place. Fireworks exploded through my body. Leo's hands met mine as he leaned into the kiss more. This felt so right. Kissing Leo felt so right. We both wanted more as we kissed in hunger.

"Cut" my dad interrupted, Leo stealing one more kiss making my face heat up into a bright red. He smiled warmly instead of smirking meaning this kiss was genuine and not for the film. I felt so giddy, I couldn't swipe the smile off my lips.

My dad leaned on the staircase causing us to break out of our trance.

"What was that?! It's a wedding we want the kiss to be short and sweet not all of this havoc" my face dropped. I totally forgot my dad was there how embarrassing. My dad shook his head and walked off

"Ok take 3... just the kissing scene. Short and sweet please DiCaprio" Leo licked his lips and blushed.

"Ok action!" We leaned in this time with the intentions of kissing lightly. It still sending waves of shock through my body. After a few seconds we pulled apart

"Amazing, that scene is done... come have a look guys" he gestured. Leo lead the way as we found ourselves in front of the screen. It was strange watching the play back but it was also thrilling to watch our chemistry. The kissing part came on. Not the right one the heated one. Miriam who was beside me let out a small giggle. I heard someone clear there throat from behind me. I turned around. It was Jesse. He grabbed my hand and pulled me aside, separating us from the group

"So you and Leo?" I froze. I remembered the kiss he gave me earlier.

"There's no me and Leo" I said softly as I looked at the ground

"Are you sure? Because if I remember correctly I was in that same very scene" I sighed

"Scene... scene, it's a movie Jesse. What'd you expect?"

"Yeah we're filming but the energy between you two was going through the roof"

"You're delusional" I said. Did everyone think the same?  I sure as hell hope not

"No your delusional if you think there's nothing there. Everyone saw it" i froze up. I went to speak but I couldn't muster the courage to say anything all I wanted to do was hide.

"Look, I'm not mad I just think it would've been nice to be told before this went any further" he said using his finger to gesture between us. "I mean we shared a kiss before the scene"

"You guys kissed?" I turned around and spotted Leo behind me. Oh boy

"I-it's not what it seems Leo" I said as I walked up to him

"So you'll go comfort him and not me?" Jesse spoke up. I was now in between the both of them. Both of them looking hurt. To be honest nothing was going on with me and Leo it was just the constant tension we'd feel every time we were together. And yes we did get on well most of the time but nothing really happened between us. Jesse on the other hand, I've actually gone on dates with. I felt really bad for him I did but I just couldn't push down my feelings for Leo much longer

"Jesse it's not like that" I managed to say

"You kissed Jesse?" I hear Leo whisper. I turned around to fully face him now

"Look it really isn't what you think" I hear a scoff. As I turned around I see Jesse walk out. Leo was about to do the same until I grabbed his hand to stop him

"Leo please let me explain" he turned around, his eyes no longer blue but grey instead. I just feel like everyone was being over dramatic with this whole situation

"There's no need to explain Kenna, we almost kissed on the beach this morning but you ran off to go be with Jesse" he sort of snapped

"No tha-" he cut me off

"Kenna it's fine. You kissed Jesse instead of me. I know where you're going with this. It's fine I'll back off" he said with hands up. He walked backwards giving me a slight nod. His expression still phased with anger and hurt. He then turned around to walk out.

I stood there in defeat. I like Jesse but not like that. I know this now because I like Leo. The kiss from the scene fueled my emotions for Leo. He's got to at least know that Jesse was in fact the one that made a move on me. I didn't even like it to be plainly honest.

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