Chapter 31

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TW; Eating disorder


McKennas POV

I stood in the trailer just popping the clothes on I needed for the last scene. It's now been two days which means we're finally finishing up with the film. Luckily I only had to wear a white shirt and track pants. I stood looking in the mirror before chucking the clothes on.

I've lost weight that's for sure but I didn't feel satisfied with my body. The hate was starting to get worse. People pointing out things I didn't even know. Like who knew my long hair dragged my face down and made me look older? Just crazy.

"Strange the clothes look extra baggy on you this time" Amy said as she looked me up and down

"Oh...I didn't really notice"

"I could've sworn this fitted a lot better the last time you had this on" I just shrugged. No one knew I was eating the bare minimal lately. No one that I saw everyday has said I looked any different so I probably haven't lost that much weight.

I walked onto set with my head hung low. To think in a matter of moments I will have to go shirtless for the film. As I walked on set I see Leo decked out in his costume. I walked over to him while scanning the area to ensure we were alone. I stood between his legs as he sat on the bench.

"You get into another punch up with Jesse?" I questioned as I brought my hand up to the cut on his cheekbone

"No it's makeup this time" he chuckled "they had to try mimic the cut I had a couple of months ago"

"Right" I giggled as I let out a sigh. I thought he was hurt again

"You're shaking you ok?"

"Yeah I will be once this scene is over" he leaned forward to move the hair away from my face and whispered

"If it makes it any better you're dad won't be in" I looked him confused

"What do you mean who's directing?"

"I convinced him to let the co director take over"

"We have a co director? Did someone end up replacing you"

"Yeah I had him a couple of times for my scenes... your dad admitted it was a bit weird to" I giggled

"As he should... well I suppose I should thank you" I smiled. I just couldn't believe he went out of his way to make me as comfortable as possible

"Oh and I spoke to Baz and we decided it'd be fine for you to have your back facing the cameras, and don't worry I'll make sure everything is covered" he blushed. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. It made things better but now I'm worried about Leo seeing me topless. What if he laughs at me. What if he thinks my breasts look funny. Even better what if he sees me and decides he doesn't like me anymore? I just want to die at the thought

"Mhmm" I quickly jumped back and Leo stood up as we saw my dad stand next to us. He gave us a look glancing at each of us and frowned

"I umm...I thought you weren't coming in dad" I stuttered I looked at Leo who shyly looked away while licking his lips

"I came to talk to Tom about the idea of this scene...." He trailed off as he looked between the two of us thoughtfully.

"You two better go get ready" we both nodded and started to walk off. Making sure to keep a good distance between each other.

"Oh and Leo" Leo stopped and turned around "no funny business, eyes above shoulders" he said gesturing from his shoulders up.

"Yes Baz I mean sir" he walked away. My face turned red but I couldn't help but giggle to Leo's sense of nervousness.

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