Chapter 45

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McKennas POV

Friday came along really quick. The last couple of day I've spent with Leo. Obviously when he was free considering he's been busy with the film. We're not together officially yet though as we were taking things as it comes. We were currently walking along the beach hand in hand before we had to make our way to set.

"Leo I've just got to ask why was the contract put in place in the first place?" I asked in curiosity

"You really want to know?"

"Yeah I mean unless you don't want to tell me"

"After I dropped you off at the airport that morning I ran into her in town, paps got us and they twisted it to make it like we were back together, and then people started to give good feedback on the relationship so her manager asked me to do this agreement"

"Right" I nodded slowly. It didn't bother me as much anymore but it still lingers in my head time to time

"I regret signing it, I wasn't able to tell anyone I had my own mother thinking the relationship was real, my friends...and you"

"And me? I don't get a title?" I stuck my tongue out as I teased him

"Hey you know that you are more than a friend...your a special friend" he winked, causing me to heat up in the cheeks to him calling me special

"Kristen must hate me though because you know all the pics that got out after you guys broke up"

"Hmm" he thought then shook his head "no Kristen has always been understanding, when we were in a fake relationship she'd always encourage me to go after you after the contract ended"

"Really? Did you talk about us to her?" Leo looked shyly to the ground and nodded

"Bit harsh talking about your new girl to your ex girlfriend don't you think?"

"New girl?" He smirked as he came to a stop

"In good time" I winked and bopped him on the nose. I started to run off

"Hey?! Wait up"

"Come on we should really get to set" he laughed and ran after me

We got to set, after Kate begging James to let me get ready in there makeup room he finally budged. The three of us now sitting in front of the vanity as the crew worked there magic.

"So what exactly is your role?" I hear Kate ask as the hair person curled my hair and put it up in a bun

"I'm just one of the first class people you introduce me too in the scene, nothing big I don't even get a line" I giggled

"Atleast you get a small part in it, do you think you'll be coming to the premiere?"

"That's like a year away isn't it? I haven't thought that far ahead yet" I laughed. Leo seemed to be finish with his hair and makeup because he got up out of seat. I didn't glance up at him once as I sat on my phone

"I just got to go change I'll see you on set"  he gave me a kiss on the cheek and waved at Kate

"You guys seem to be going good" Kate says with a hint of cheekiness. I looked over at her and she had a smile planted on her face. I playfully rolled my eyes and diverted my attention back to my phone "maybe a push is all you two needed"

"Wait, I'm sorry to butt in but is Leonardo with you?" I looked up at the makeup artist that was touching up Kates lips

"We're not together" I said shyly

"Not yet anyway, should've seen it they both didn't have the courage to talk about the elephant in the room. I was stuck between the two" she started getting into her own discussion with the girl

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