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I was striding along the road, the sun's heat on my face. I'm going home, near a forest, near my house. I hear yelling; maybe a fight has started; I run in the direction it's in the woods. It's getting louder. Three figures were in front of me, and two were kicking what looked like a man in the ground.

"Hey, stop that!."
The two figures looked at me; they were men, whore all black, their hoods on. They looked pretty scary, stepping back, still looking at them.
After a few seconds, they both look at each other; they vanish in black smoke.
The man on the ground is whimpering, not moving.

"do you need help? I can call 911."

After I said that, he put on his hand; flames flickered from his palms. I wasn't scared. His aura didn't seem threatening.

His hand fell to the ground, picking him up pretty heavily; I gradually made it to my house. My parents weren't home, Out still working, and I got done with my classes for college. I was dragging him to my room after one flight of stairs. I drop him in bed. Huff, catching my breath.

"Are you still alive"
Nothing. I check for a pulse; thankfully, he's still alive. I quietly go downstairs to get a glass of water and a ham and cheese sandwich. I went upstairs and sat on the coffee table beside my bed. Then sit down thinking of what to do.

What happened was that fire coming out of his hand; I may be going insane. I'll wait till he wakes up. I examined him; he had a huge afro, no facial hair, big fluffy eyebrows dark skin. His face looked soft. Tired, I sleep In the end. Three hours in, I woke, and I finally saw movement. I hear his grunts and get up.

"go slow, ok; here, have some food."
He fully gets on the bed and looks around.
"why am I here? What did you do,"

"I brought you here, in my house. I saw you were being attacked. I tried to stop it," and then they left."

"you should have left me to die out there; you would be protecting yourself and the world from me."

"What are you talking about? I can't just let you die."

"Whatever, I'm leaving."

He gets up, grunts, and falls back.

"sit and rest, please; you are hurt."

He doesn't say anything, touching his stomach.

"do you want me to patch you up?"

"no touching then here. Have some food and drink".

He looks at the food and then at me.
" I would rather starve than eat that."
And with that, he gets up and walks to the door. As soon his hands touched the doorknob, he collapsed. I pulled him up onto the bed again.
"stay and rest. You need it."

He gazes at the ground.
"OK, don't call anyone, please.

"ok, I won't."
He then lays in the bed and covers up with my blanket. I want to lie on my bed. I decide to let him have it for today.

Downstairs, there's-conversation; parents are here. I run down the stairs.
"hey mom, dad, how's it going."

"good dear, we saw a couple of black people getting arrested; I say good, lock all of them up."
I hate my mom when she's like this. It's 2023. You'd think she rethinks her views on other people, but no. I've tried to teach her, but she ignores it. I gave up on her five years ago; the same goes for my dad. He usually doesn't speak to me anyway. They sit on the couch and start watching tv. I go upstairs, closing my door.

The man is still sleeping. I sit down on my chair, watching the sun goes down. I wake up hearing some whimpering. I looked up and saw the man trembling. I jolt up, trying to help him. The blanket doesn't seem to support him, so I take a bold step. Slowly I step over him, lying in bed, and I try to apply body heat to him. Warming up my hands, I touch him, his arms, neck, and face. He's very fit; It's working. He stopped shivering; I sighed at the man, then the man moved closer to me. His head is near my chest, and his hair smells good. His face is so soft as well. I'm in shock, trying not to enjoy it. I can't help it; I smile and fall asleep.

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