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Fuck school, read this update. Ik you want to. :) 

janet jackson - fit ⤴

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janet jackson - fit ⤴

This was, awkward at the least. Mrs. B was yelling at me and Toni, but I was hiding behind Toni—so she wasn't yelling at me technically. Toni didn't seemed to be phased by her mom's anger but I sure as hell was shaking. I've always felt like Mrs. B was my mom so this was even harder for me. Especially since I didn't have a mom of my own. 

But this was about Toni, not me. So I needed to be a big girl and stand up for myself, and Toni too. I moved from behind her and stood in from of her mom. I took a deep breath and stopped tapping my fingers. 

"Mrs. B, I know this is out of ordinary and I could see how it can be seen as messed up. But your niece was horrible to me. She kicked me out of your home and threw me into the arms of your daughter. Literally, and figuratively." I said all in one breath. I was proud of myself, my voice didn't even quiver this time. 

I felt Toni grab my hand and stand next to me, "Exactly. Not to mention I don't actually care about what any of you think. I'm here for Aunt K. You wanted me to stop by, so I did. Either you tell me what you wanted to talk to me about, or I leave." She shrugged. 

Mrs. B opened her mouth like she was about to speak but closed it just as fast. I heard her groan before turning her pot down and sitting at the table. Toni and I looked at each other and than back to her mom. What was that about? 

We both took the initiative to sit across from her. I tried to be respectful and sit a little away from Toni, but she just pulled my chair closer and draped her arm across the back of my seat. 

"Fine, I'll—I'll tell you what's up.." Her mom said. Toni didn't say anything, just stared at her mom. 

"Okay?" She mumbled. I could tell she was over this entire thing so I took her hand and squeezed it for a little bit of comfort. 

"Your father and I—we, we need some money.." Mrs. B forced out of herself. Toni scoffed. 

"And you couldn't have asked me that over that phone like you usually do?" 

"No—we don't just need a quick fifty bucks—" Her mom started but T cut her off. 

"Sucks that-that's all I can give you, huh?" 

"But it's for a goo—" 

"It's always a good reason." Toni was honestly just cutting off everything that her mom said. That went back and forth for a minute and then it turned into arguing. Toni was going on about how her parents haven't "given a damn about her" since she was fifteen but could always muster up the courage to ask for her help. 

Even I felt at fault a little. When I was with Cee, they'd always mention her and how she was so evil and such and I just believed them. But knowing what I know now, I felt sick for even listening to it. 

Toni was about to get up and leave when her dad came into the kitchen, blocking the exit. They stared at each other for a minute before either of them said something. 

"I have cancer. The same kind that killed your great-grandfather, and your grandfather, is now killing me. So—we need some of the money that your Aunt M gave you and probably some of the money we know Kelly's leaving you. I need you to save my life," Her dad admitted, he looked really embarrassed to even be saying it. I was still sitting down when Toni turned around. 

"I knew it," She mumbled, it looked like she was putting some pieces together and her head as she looked back and forth between her parents. 

"Knew what?" Mr. B scoffed. 

"You didn't call me here for Aunt Kelly. You would've let her die alone in that hospital. But you needed me to come here, so you could guilt me into giving you the money," She accused. That did sound believable. Toni always told me that her family never called her for anything. Not even funerals. 

"Th—that's not true—your aunt needed you and we called! This just happened to come up!" Her mom was trying to say her but Toni wasn't having it. She grabbed my hand pretty roughly and pushed her dad out of the way. 

"We won't be coming back for dinner, have a good rest of your ending life's you stick bastards." She spat bitterly while leading me to the car. She opened my door, than went around to the drivers side. Once we got in, she didn't even say anything to me. But at least she didn't leave me this time. So that was good. 

"Where do you wanna go?" 

She was asking me where do I wanna go like she didn't just hear what they said? Or what she said. 

"I-I think we should just go back to the hotel—and t-take a breather." I suggested, Toni shook her head though. 

"No I don't wanna be in a room right now. I'm not trying to think right now, so pick a place and I'll take you. We need to go on a date anyway," She huffed. I was kind of stunned right now. I didn't know what to say because if I was the one in the situation I'd be completely breaking down right now. 

"Toni, I don't think that's such a good—" She cut me off my grabbing my face and looking at me. Her eyes were red right now and I could tell she was about to cry. 

"Janet... please, just pick a place." She was nearly begging. Her voice was so soft and calm. Almost like speaking too harshly would break it. I didn't really know where we could go so I said the first thing that came to mind. 

"Uh—sweet frog.." I blurted out. And for like the first time all evening I saw Toni crack a smile.

"You just won't let go of the frozen yogurt, will you?" She chuckled while wiping her nose. I pulled her in for a kiss and shook my head. 

"It's my favorite!"

"Of course it is," She chuckled while pulling out of her parents' driveway. Hopefully the rest of our day is a lot better than it already is." 

Hiii. brah I miss my granny so much, i want a hug real bad. 

ANYWAY, I wanna end this book so expect like hella updates. 

1134 words.

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