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toni braxton — fit

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toni braxton — fit. ⤴

Janet and I had just gotten off the plane to Maryland. She basically slept through the entire flight and left me awake alone. It was for the best though because for the five minutes she was awake, she was freaking out. It was kind of pissing me off a great amount, but I promised I'd work on my anger and stuff like that so I didn't say anything. 

We were currently in the hotel and she was sleeping, obviously I just said that. But even in her sleep she wouldn't let my hand go. I think when I walked away from her in the mall it really messed with her head. She's been a lot more clingy than usual and won't even let me go anywhere by myself. 

That part I didn't mind too much. It was cute. It worked for us. I tried to pull my hand away so I could take my outside clothes off but she grabbed me tighter and I fell back onto the bed. 

"Toni, stop playing with me," She mumbled half asleep. I chuckled and kissed her lips. 

"I'm trying to get undressed J," I explained. She didn't say anything but let go. I guess I was taking too long because she sat up and mugged me until I got into the bed.

"I'm not moving fast enough for you?" I asked sarcastically as I climbed closer to her.

She shook her head, "uht uht."

I just laughed and kissed her again. We kiss a lot
Like a wholeeee lot. Janet climbed on top of me and was fast asleep in seconds. I didn't plan on going to bed, but I knew she wanted to lay with me so I got in bed.

I was kind of just sitting up and thinking. I was actually really scared for my aunt. I had already lost my Aunt M to breast cancer and now Aunt Kelly was battling the same thing.

She was in her final stages too, the whole thing that's making it so hard is that she didn't tell anyone.

One day I just got a call from my mom about how she was dying and only had about two weeks left to live. Apperently she wasn't letting anyone into her room until she seen me first.

And it wasn't like they would do anything because I'm her proxy, so even though she isn't in the right mind, I still had to be here to make the decisions.

I had thought for about an hour before Janet started to wake up. She was kissing my neck softly before sitting up a bit to look at me.

"You didn't go to sleep, did you?" I shook my head and she sighed, sympathetically. I just curled my lips. I didn't wanna say anything mean.

Which was another thing I was working on. I hated being vulnerable around people so even being around Janet right now was hard. But she was worth the work.

"You've been thinking too, huh?" She asked, I nodded again. She kissed my lips softly but before she pulled away I deepened it. We haven't had sex in a minute and I kind of felt like I was neglecting her. Plus I felt bad about the day in the mall. Even though she said she forgave me.

I rolled us over and sucked on her tongue as she moaned. Our lips parted and I trailed my love bites down her neck. Just before I got to her stomach she pushed me off her and cupped my face with one hand.

"We don't have to do this, I know you're not totally here right now. Don't feel like you have to because we haven't in a while. I'm a big girl." She said, smiling at the end of her sentence.

She lovessss saying she a big girl.

Although I did wanna have sex, it felt like a relief to hear her say that. I smiled at her and kissed her.

I really have to make this girl my girlfriend, officially. I just wanted to wait for the right moment. I had a whole thing planned for when we got back home.

"I really did wanna have sex, but now that I'm thinking about it, we should probably eat and head to my mom's house. She's waiting." I smirked evilly while jumping out of bed. Her jaw dropped and she watched me grab out suitcases.


"Nope too late, maybe when we get back," I chuckled. Janet whined while getting out the bed and hugging me from behind.

"Noo that's not fair. I was trying to be a caring girlfriend," she huffed. I pulled her from behind me and kissed her forehead.

"And you are, but you probably should've waited a few more seconds, huh?" I taunted.

She was smiling like a complete dummy for a good ten seconds before she said anything back.

"You just called me your girlfriend," she cheesed.

"I did?"

"Yes!" She was so cute when she got excited.

"I guess you are than. But I still plan to ask officially, so just wait on it." I felt like she deserved that much of an explanation.

I had rented a car out out here snd that's what we drove to my mom's house. She lived about two hours from the hotel, but it was fine because the hospital was only like ten minutes away from it. Even though it was closer than her house, I wasn't ready to see my aunt yet.

I wanted to hear how bad it was from my family first. Once I stepped foot into that hospital I was bound to go through some stuff. I just wasn't ready for that yet.

We got to my mom's house and I took Janet's hand. I didn't really have a great relationship with my parents and I know them finding out about Jan and I wasn't going to make it any better.

But this was only going to level me up in the ranks of child disappointments, I was kind of excited.

I knocked on the door with Janet behind me and a few seconds later my dad was standing in front of us.

He was smiling until he seen me. The bastard didn't even say hi, he just glared at us.

"Hello to you too, asshole."

I was ready to go already. Just being back here made me cuss. And I think cussing is so nasty if it's not during sex.

But anyway, we went further into the house and than into the kitchen. That's where my mom was, she was making dinner for tonight.

She seen me and smiled before washing her hands and coming to hug me. At least she knows how to pretend like she missed me.

"Hi, ma." I smiled the best I could.

"Hey you've gotten so big! I've missed you too." She gushed, she hugged me again and I truly had to fight not to roll my eyes. This lady is not the angle she's trying to be right now.

After the whole catch up thing, my mom finally noticed Janet and asked what she was doing here. I would assume that within the last ten years that I haven't been home these two have met.

"Jan—what're you doing here? I thought Ciara said she couldn't make it. You should be with her, this whole thing with Kell's is hard on her." My mom said a bit confused. Janet was starting to get choked up again do I stepped up.

She was horrible at explaining hard stuff.

"She's not with Cee anymore. She's with me." I said casually. I took Janet's hand and brought her closer to me as my mom's jaw dropped.

So much for waiting until later I guess,

Yk I hadda triple itttt. 😭

Guys I need love frfr 🙄🙄

1328 words.

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