chapter 30- missed you.

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It's been five days since y/n tried to kill himself. Every day since then, Sam and Colby have stayed most of the time around his bed waiting for him to wake up.
The doctors said that he is in fact going to wake up and that now it's just a matter of time.
Colby went home to try and get some sleep while Sam is sitting next to y/n waiting for him to wake up.
As i wait for him to wake up i notice him slowly start to open his eyes.
"HOLY FUCK y/n!" i say not wanting to shout because i know he's sensitive right now.
I let the nurses know he woke up and they tell me he's stable and i can talk to him now.
"Hey y/n. I missed you so much!" I say kneeling down next to his bed with tears falling from my eyes.
"Sam.. I'm so sorry." He says, guilt filling his voice.
"No it's ok. You don't have to apologize. I know how much this year has sucked for you. I'm just glad your alive."
"I didnt mean to do it.. i just got so lost in the thoughts.. i didn't even realize what i did until it was too late.."
"It's ok y/n. Just.. promise me you won't do that again? Or at least let me know when you think your gonna do something like that please. I don't want to loose you."
"I promise."
"Colby went home to try and get some rest that's why he isn't here. He was spending too much time here so i thought it was the best thing for him to do. I'm gonna call him now and tell him to come here ok?"
"Ok. Thanks Sammy."
"No problem."
I walk out of the room and call Colby, he says he's on his way.
I feel so bad.. i didn't mean to put them through that they don't deserve this..
I hope Colby doesn't hate me now.
After a few minutes Colby runs through the door.
"Y/n! Your ok!" He says, coming to sit next to me.
"Hey Colbs."
"I missed you so much." Tears start rolling down his eyes.
"No I'm sorry dont cry."
"No, love it's happy tears i promise. I'm so happy your alive. I was so afraid I'd loose you."
"You'll never loose me. At least not again. I'm sorry i did what i did.. i didn't even realize when it happened."
"It's ok. I'm glad I found you when I did. I love you so much."
"I love you too. I promise I won't do that again ok?"
He holds my hand and gives me a soft kiss on the forehead.
".. i was so focused on the bad things about life i forgot to consider the good things like you. Colby your the best thing that has ever happened to me and i don't want to loose you. The truth is i was so used to feeling bad i didn't see the other things. The good part of life, you know? Look, what im trying to say is that I'm gonna try to get better."
"I'm so glad to hear that. And I'm gonna be there helping you every step of the way. I promise."
"I love you."
"I love you too. Try to get some rest now ok? You need it to get better. Don't worry, your coming home soon bit you have to stay here for a while to make sure you do t do anything like that again."
"Ok. Thanks Colbs."
After that, y/n gets some rest and the boys finally relax a bit after all this time.
The next few days they spend it talking to y/n and hanging out in the hospital. Soon enough y/n can go back home. They decide it's best for him to stay with them and maybe even have him move in.

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