chapter 14- shanley.

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"i thought this would be like a big beautiful hotel but this is creepy." Colby says.
"Well boys, I'm ready. The shanley hotel." Sam says.
"Spirits are in." Seth says reading the sign on the front door.
"Nonono. Are you kidding me?"
"Oh God I'm scared."
We walk unto the hotel and meet a nice lady that was talking about it a bit for us.
"We have to go find our rooms cause there's a lot to choose here."
"35 rooms."
"35 rooms?"
"When Scotty the medium was filming downstairs in this room, written in the bed bitch across it and cock sucker across the other side. And Adams room was right above thats where i was being choked."
"Hopefully none of us gets choked."
"Yeah what?"
There's a serial killer thats right above. You'll hear banging around and stuff."
"A good room for you bro." San says to Colby.
"I hope you all know i am not staying alone in a room." I say.
"I mean you can stay with if you want." Colby says.
"Ok sure."
"I thought Seth was usually the bait."
We all go on with the video and meet another medium so we talk to him a bit.
"So, where would you say is the most haunted or active room?" Sam asks the medium.
"The basement. It's definitely the most haunted. Not once have i been there and came out disappointed it's always something. This place has a rich history in the mafia and that might have been the place where they out bodies that they didn't need found immediately. The owner let's nobody down there but she says she's gonna make an exception and let you guys visit it."
"Yes! Let's goo!"
"We're exited to see like a place with stored bodies what's wrong with you guys?" Josh jokes.
After talking to that guy we start our investigation.
"That was the same feeling i felt in the conjuring. I was anxious coming to this place and anxiety mixed with scary stories of course can make you like maybe nauseous? We've been to so many haunted places before in the past and had like the craziest things happen to us but like even in the queen Mary i never really felt nauseous." Colby says.
"Seth says the last time he came here he got super nauseous to the point where he was trying to like throw up."
"Are you ok though colbs? I don't want you getting sick or anything."
"Yeah no now i feel totally fine I'm not gonna lie, it was when we sat down at first."
"You sure?"
We walk over to everyone and the lady starts unlocking the basement door.
"They didn't let anybody in here?"
"I mean i wasn't really special enough to go in I guess."
"Ohh man!"
"But now you are!"
We all go down this small room.
"Oh i don't like this place at all." I say.
"Don't worry i got you." Colby says holding my hand.
"If you talk about digging holes in here you may pick up some nice evps. Seems to make whatever's around here get a little bit upset."
"Cause down here they would dig a hole and they would hide a body?"
"Should we just ask? Alright so guys this is a noice activated evp so when i talk once i stop it's only recording whatever noise it picks up."
"And why's yours so special?"
"They stopped making these because they said they kept hearing voices that wasn't there so everyone kept complaining. It was made in Japan by the way they shut it down so whatever is left in the world from when they were making these are here. It's so special because they just claim this one specifically can pick up ghosts."
"There is something about that recorder that it's built, it will pick up things that no other recorder ever created will get."
We turn it on and start using it.
"What are people digging down here and hiding?"
"Are you a part or the Irish mob?"
"We're there any dead bodies hidden down here?"
"Should we move that dirt and put it there?"
"Are you upset that we showed people the secret room?"
"Alright." Josh says picking it up after we finish asking the questions.
"I'm shaking so bad i don't know why."
"I didn't want to scare anyone while we were asking but when you asked if it was upset that you showed people the secret room i heard a growl coming from near the stairs."
"Do you think the evp picked it up?"
"I don't know maybe."
"Ok guys so we're gonna play this back. Only things that recorded wich is only the audio so we're not gonna wait were just gonna get ready."
"Yeah and just as soon as you play it's just gonna go and hear voices."
We play it back.
What we heard as a response was 'nothing', 'yes there is' and 'yeah'.
"We asked the questions it was saying something, some of it was stronger than others."
"We don't have like a mic on that that's direct into here so obviously it's probably not as clear on the camera but you can hear it clear as day."
We decide to record the sound while Seth digs the dirt with a shovel as a trigger.
"Let's all be quiet I'm gonna run the evp just let him keep digging."
"Do you want us to stop digging?"
"Will we find anything if we keep digging?"
I get jump scared by this manly voice next to me saying 'just leave' so i jump a little and step closer to Colby.
"What? What happened?" Sam asks in a concerned big brother way.
"Someone just said 'just leave' next to my ear right now and it scared the living shit out of me it's like it was a threat."
"Holy shit are you ok though?"
We play it back. We hear 'yes' and 'just leave' as a result.
"Holy shit it picked it up!"
We get out of the room.
"Just for the audience real quick so, we've worked with a medium in the past and her name was Amanda she claimed that she was able to actually see dead people walking around, y/n is also a medium but to be honest you've never really described how it is for you. Are you guys able to visually see these spirits or is it more in your thoughts?"
"More of a thought process." The other medium says.
"And is it just like a different thing for each medium?"
"Yeah it is, also when i was little i used to see it like i would see you but now sense I've got older it's kind of more internalized so i know when they're there i can describe them."
"And it's something you can turn off?"
"Yes. You know it's a pain in the neck to go sleep and have all these dead people hanging out with you."
"Yeah, like for me i can usually see most of them and hear them but I've grown to understand when to use it and how to control it so it doesn't take over my life so now it's more like an ability." I say.
"That's so interesting, but i guess it makes sense you know? Like everyone is different so every medium must take it in a different way."
The rest of the night goes by and we film quite a lot.
After filming we say bye to Josh and Seth and go to the car.
We drive home and hang out a bit at the living room before going to sleep.
"Hey guys i think I'm gonna find a hotel to stay for a few days before i go back home. I don't want to bother you guys I'm sure you all have a lot of things to do."
"What? Why? Don't go!" Colby says.
"Yeah man we like having you here." Sam says.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. You can stay here for as long as you need."
"Hey I'm tired I'm gonna go sleep see you guys in the morning."
"Night Sammy."
"Night Sam."
I also head to my room but after a while someone knocks at my door

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