chapter 10 - Scott.

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⚠️two for abusive relationship+physical abuse⚠️
Its been a while and i get ready for my date with Scott.

⚠️two for abusive relationship+physical abuse⚠️Its been a while and i get ready for my date with Scott

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I check my phone and let him know I'm on my way.

-hey, I'm on my way.
-good, don't be late.

I drive to the restaurant and once i get there i walk over to him.
"Hey Scott."
"Hey!" He says hugging me.
We enter the restaurant and find a table.
"Hello, are you ready to order?"
"Do you know what you want?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'll have a beer and a steak."
"And I-"
"He'll have some water and a salad. He's trying to loose wait."
"Ok.. i will be right back with your orders."
"Oh um.. ok then."
We talk and eat for a while, after that Scott decides to come over to my place.
We get there and i realize i forgot to clean the couch where Colby slept so it's still like a guest bed.
"Why is your couch like that? Did you have someone over?"
"Yeah, um last night Colby actually slept here you see we had a movie night and-"
"What?? I mean not even really a month after we brake up your already sleeping with other guys? How much of a fucking slut are you?"
"It wasn't like that!"
"Don't you talk back to me you stupid whore!"
"I wasn't i ju-" i say getting interrupted by him slapping my face, leaving a bruise mark on my cheek.
Almost at the same time Colby knocks on the door.
"Hey y/n, i forgot my charger here can i come in and get it?"
"Um.. sorry I- I'm busy right now!" I say on the verge of tears.
"Hey are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine! Everything is fine!" My voice cracks as tears start pouring down.
"Y/n your scaring me I'm gonna open the door."
"No! Don't!" I say as he opens the unlocked door.
As soon as he sees me and Scott he goes pale.
i open the door to check on y/n and see him and Scott. Only y/n is crying and has a bruise on his cheek. Did he do that to him?
"Y/n! Did he do that to you?"
"It was my fault i was being ru-"
"Don't say that, he hit you!" I say walking over to him but getting pushed away by Scott.
"Id advise you to leave now." He says.
"Why don't you just back the fuck up?"
"Why? So you can fuck him again?"
"What are you talking about? Is this because i slept over last night? Are you that insecure that you can't handle y/n having other people in his life that isn't you?"
"Colby its ok, just go home I'll take care of this. -Y/n says walking over to me but being held back by Scott holding his wrist.- Scott that hurts!"
"Don't touch him!" I say pushing him away and punching him.
He tries to punch me back but i dodge it and somehow push him out of the apartment, locking him outside.
I dile 911 and tell them what happened and they say they're on their way. It was really hard to stop shaking so much to actually dile the buttons but i handled it.
I look over to y/n and he's curled up on the floor crying.
"Hey.. hey it's ok. He's gone now ok? He won't hurt you." I say kneeling down next to him and putting my hand on his back to calm him down but notice he flinches at the touch.
"I- I'm sorry Colby you shouldn't have seen that.."
"Has he done this before?"
"A few times.. that's why I didn't see you or Sam for a month, it was because I had a bruise.. I'm sorry it was my fault i shouldn't have talked back to him." He says now hugging me.
"Hey.. it wasn't your fault ok? It was never your fault.. look, i called the police and they're on their way now ok? You don't have to worry about him anymore."
"What? But it wasn't his fault!"
"Y/n, why are you defending him?"
"Because.. he l- loves me and I'm not worthy of love. No one but him will ever like me that way because I'm fat and ugly and unlovable and he was my only shot at having someone who cares about me, ok?"
Did he say that to him? God i hate that guy so much! How could he think that? He is the best person i know and he deserves someone who appreciates him.
"I don't know why you think that but trust me. It isn't true, ok? If anyone deserves love it's you! Your funny and smart and probably the kindest person i know! Don't let idiots like him tell you what you can or can't have or do."
We hears police cars pull up outside the apartment so i make sure Scott isn't here anymore and walk outside to them while holding y/n close to protect him and holding his hand.
We talk to the police and i end up filling a restraining order against him.
After that me and Colby decide it's safer if i stay with him and Sam for a while.

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