chapter 27- followed.

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I start walking home but notice this man walking slowly behind me so i immediately stay on high alert.
It's been like two minutes and the man is still following me. I don't want to really look at him so he doesn't realize i notice him but what i can see from him is that he's wearing a hoodie with the hood up and his hands are on his pocket.
I start to get really scared and soon i start having a panick attack. I start walking to a path that's not to my house so the guy cannot know where I live.
Tears start falling from my eyes and i grab my phone. I start calling Colby but my hand is shaking so fucking much it took me like a minute to call him.
It rings a few times then he awnsers it.
"Hey, what's up?" He says.
"Hey! I'm on my way don't worry, here I'll give you my location! -i say loud enough so the man can hear me trying my best not to sound like I'm crying.- c- Colby.. there's a man that's following me for like ten minutes straight i don't know what to do." I whisper still trying not to sound like I'm crying so he doesn't worry too much.
"What? Where are you?!"
"I'm not sure I'm gonna walk until i see a street name or something like that so i can send you it."
"Okay, do that. Just keep talking to me I'm getting in the car. Is he close to you?"
"Closer than before but like a few steps behind me. I- I'm getting scared."
"It's gonna be ok. I'm getting Sam. We're both going to drive to you."
"Ok.. i think i walked into a park let me get the name it's dark I'm gonna have to use the flashlight hold on. Ok im at ****."
"Ok. I'll be there as quick as i can."
"Ok. Shit ok he's walking into the park i gotta hang up. Bye."
"No y-"
I hang up on him and dry my tears pretending I'm ok and sit on a bench bear me.
Colby calls me again but i don't awnser. The guy walks closer to me and I'm finally able to see his face thanks to the street light near us. As soon as I realize who it is my stomach drops. It's Scott.
All of the abuse comes flashing back into my mind and i can't take it anymore. I immediately start crying and shaking even more than before. This can't be happening why is this happening? Why did he follow me here?
I need to run but I'm frozen in fear.
"Scott? W- what are you doing here?"
"Oh so you recognize me? I thought you completely forgot about me after you went on to fucking that Colby guy!" He says walking closer to me.
I stand up and try walking away but he grabs my arms and doesn't let me go.
"Why are you doing this?"
"I know you love me. Don't come pretending you don't want this."
"I did love you! Even though I shouldn't have! You treated me like shit and still made me believe all of it was my fault! The best thing I've ever done was leave you! Now I'm with someone that makes me feel safe! That makes me feel happy! Something you could never do!" I say between sobs.
"Your gonna regret that!" He says as he punches me in the face making me loose balance.
"Leave me alone!"
His grab on my arms gets stronger and he forces himself onto me, kissing me. I try to get away but he's stronger then me. Im able to get one arm free so i punch him.
That didn't help at all it just pissed him off even more making him punch me again and again until I'm knocked out unconscious.
We get to the park and jump off the car, running towards the sound of someone falling down.
We get there and see Scott punching y/n then him falling down, unconscious.
"Y/N!" I scream as i run over to him and push Scot away.
"Check up on y/n! I'll take care of him!" Sam says.
I kneel down to him and hold him in my arms. He's still breathing i think he's just passed out. I grab my phone and call 911 and an ambulance.
"Hello this is a 911 emergency line operator, what can I help you with?"
"I- it's my boyfriends ex, he attacked him he's here right now please send someone were at ****."
"Ok sir, there are cops coming you way just stay on the call with me."
"Please call an ambulance for him. He's passed out right now!"
"Sir we already have one on the way just stay on the line."
I look aver at Sam and Scott and see both of them arguing.
"Whats your deal man? He wanted this but the little bitch was getting on my nerves!"
"No! Do NOT talk about MY BROTHER like that! Your a fucking psychopath and can't get over the fact that no one likes you! You touch him or even come near him ever again and i will break every single one of your bones in your body. Do you understand me?" I have never seen him this angry in my life.
"Yeah, sure man I'd like to see you try."
"Just shut the fuck up! You do not get to ruin his life like this! He's such a good person and he's gone through so much! Please just leave him alone ok?! Ever sense you came into his life he's been miserable! Also he has a fucking restraining order against you you fucking dumb bitch! Your gonna get arrested!"
I stop paying attention to them and look back down at y/n. He starts waking up a bit.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"Shh, it's ok. Your gonna be okay. I'm here with you. Just take it easy. Try not to move."
"Okay.. i- is he still here?" He asks but his voice is weak.
I hear the cop cars and the ambulance coming towards us.
"It's okay the cops are here they're gonna take care of him. I'm protecting you now your safe."
"He kissed me.. i didn't want to i swear i tried to run away but he was to strong-" he says, his voice breaking with sadness.
"He wha- I'm sos sorry. He's gonna be arrested now your safe. Ok the ambulance is here. I should have known this was gonna happen he called me a while ago but i thought i took care of it I'm so sorry."
"It's okay Colbs, it's not your fault. I'm just glad your here.
The cops arrest Scott.
"Sam?" Y/n asks as he's put onto one of those ambulance bed things.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" Sam says walking over to us as the cops leave with Scott.
"Yeah I'm ok. I'm sorry about this, i didn't want to bother you two."
"Y/n are you kidding me? You don't have to apologize. I'm your big brother! I care about you, ok?"
"Okay, one of you can sit back here and come with us to the hospital." The paramedic says.
"Colby you can go. I'll drive behind you guys."
"Okay." I say as i sit next to y/n.
"I'm glad your here." He says before falling asleep again.
We get to the hospital and me and Sam spend the night there waiting to see if he's ok.

A/n: if you ever need anything I'm here for you. You are never alone. Don't be scared to reach out for help. I love you all xoxo.

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