chapter 24- nightmare.

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~in a dream.~
I'm inside this castle and filming a video with Sam and Colby. I hear someone call me from a room near by so i go see what it was. When i get there nothing happens and i don't see or feel anything so i walk back to the group. However when i get back to them no one can see or hear me. I try to get their attention but nothing happens so i begin to have a panick attack.
"Guys? -i ask while my voice starts to shake.- Colby? Sam? Why can't you hear me?! Please.."
I suddenly feel this really strong bad energy, my head starts to hurt and vision gets blurry making me pass out.
~end of dream.~
I wake up by Colby gently shaking me awake.
"Hey, babe are you ok?" He asks.
I quickly sit up while shaking a bit with tears in my eyes. Colby sits next to me and puts his arm around me so i feel safer.
"Hey, your okay. It was just a bad dream. Your safe."
I hug him as i try to calm myself down and then I'm able to think clearly again.
"I'm sorry i woke you up." I say wiping away my tears.
"Don't worry about that, are you ok now?"
"Y- yeah. I'm fine."
"You were having a nightmare so i decided to check up on you."
"Thanks, I'm okay now i promise." I say then, giving him a quick kiss to reassure him.
"Alright, if you need anything just tell me okay?"
"Yeah.. um, can we cuddle for a while? I know it's stupid i jus-"
"You don't have to ask to. -he says with a chuckle.- come here." He says as he lays down next to me.
I lay down next to him and cuddle him, resting my head on his chest.
"Thank you."
I give him a kiss on his forehead to comfort him and wait till he falls asleep to make sure hes ok.
"I love you.." i whisper to him knowing he won't hear me sense he's asleep.
After a bit i also fall asleep and he doesn't have another nightmare throughout the night.

A/n: hey guys! Just wanted to give you guys a little something. Next chapter is gonna be a long one so if it takes a bit longer to be published that's why, love u all xoxo<333

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