chapter 20- news.

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I wake up at around 10am and see i got a message from Nate.
•nate bestie✨:
-hey y/n! I was wondering if you wanna hangout today?
-hey natey! Sure, sound good.
Me and him text a bit more and decide to have lunch together.
After that, i put my phone back to the nightstand and cuddle again next to Colby.
"Hey." Colby says with his raspy morning voice.
"Hey pretty boy~ good morning."
"Morning handsome~" Colby gives me a kiss and holds my hand.
"Hey, just so you know I'm gonna have lunch later with Nate cause he wanted to hangout."
"Oh, ok. Tell him I say hi."
"Ok. I still have like two hours before i have to get ready-"
"Then come give me cuddles." He says with a stupid smile.
After a while i go get ready to see Nate.

"Fine~"After a while i go get ready to see Nate

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After that i go say bye to Colby.
"Bye colbs! See ya later."
"Byee." He says giving me a hug and a kiss.
I text Nate and we meet at a coffee place.
I walk to it sense it's close to my house and see Nate standing outside waiting for me.
"Hey Nate! Oh I was just with Colby he told me to say hi for you too." I say walking over to him.
"Hey bestie!" He says in a silly voice giving me a hug.
Me and Nate hang out for a while talking about random shit.
Y/n went to see Nate and now I'm going back to mine and sam's house.
All the sudden my phone rings and it's an unknown number.
"Hello?" I say after picking it up.
"Is this Colby?" This guy with a familiar voice says.
"Yeah? Who's this?"
"It's Scott. -as soon as he says that i realize it's y/ns crazy ex and it sends a chill down my spine.- i saw how you looked at him the day you called the cops on me. I know you like him."
"What the fuck do you want?" I say with an angry tone in my voice.
"Calm down man, i just wanted to warn you about y/n. He's not worth it. He is going to disappoint you at every thing he does because he's an unlovable asshole and-"
"Oh my fucking god do you ever shut the fuck up?! Can't you hear yourself? Your obsessed. Your a creep. Now stop talking shit about my boyfriend and leave him and me alone."
"Boyfriend? -he says laughing.- you must think your pretty special but trust me when I say this, he is going to move on to some other guy soon if he hasn't already because that's what he does. He doesn't care about anyone besides himself. After he cheats on you don't say i didn't warn you."
I was about to say something back to him but then he hung up the phone. I can't believe y/n had to go through that every day, he's so toxic. What's he talking about anyway? Y/n wouldn't tell me that he likes me if he was into someone else, right?
After a while me and Nate say bye and each go home. Then, i get a message from Colby.
•pretty boy🖤🖤:
-hey handsome! Wanna come over?
-hey pretty boy! Sure I'll be there in a bit.
•pretty boy🖤🖤:
- :)
I go to his place and knock on the door.
Sam opens it and let's me in after giving me a hug.
"Whatcha doing here?" Sam asks.
"What? I need an excuse to see you now? -i ask mocking him.- no, i came to see colbs."
"Yeah yeah, he's in his room."
"Thank you Sammy!" I say messing up his hair.
I walk over to Colbys room and walk in.
"Hey colbs!"
"Hey y/n!" He says coming to hug me.
After that he closes the door behind me and kisses me so no one can see us.
"Your hair look cute right now." I say.
"Thank you~ i kept messing with it so it's a little eh but I'm glad you like it... So uh, i was thinking and when do you think we should tell Sam were dating?"
"I was actually thinking about that too. I don't know i mean are you ready to tell him?"
"I think so, you?"
"Hell yeah. Let's go."
He lets out a cute chuckle and i hold his hand as i lead him to the living room.
"Hey Sammy, we have something to tell you."
"Ok? What's up?"
"So uh me and y/n are- were dating now.. so yeah.."
"Wait really?"
"When did you two get together?"
"I mean we made it official recently but we just wanted you to know first."
"Ok, cool. I owe kat a few dollars now but besides that I'm happy for you two." He says sarcastically.
"Why do you owe kat money?"
"Oh we made a bet like years ago and she said you two would get together some day. She thinks you two are perfect for eachother."
Me and Colby laugh at that and we all end up hanging out for a few hours.
I decide to message kat and Nate to tell them about me and Colby and Colby tells some other friends.
-hey kat! I have some tea👀
-ohhhh spill!
-i have a boyfriend now.
-i need details now!!
-dont freak out sense Sam told me you ship us but it's Colby :D
-I gotta say it, Colby is a lucky guy, if he ever makes you even a bit mad or upset I'll beat his ass i gotchu ;)
-thanks bestie, and same for you and Sam. I'm used to kicking his ass anyway.
After talking to her i tell Nate.
-hey bestieee i have some news!
•nate bestie✨:
-okayy what is it?
-me and Colby are dating now :DD
•nate bestie✨:
-im happy for you two! What a power couple.
After talking to him i spend the rest of the day with Colby and we end up deciding to post about it soon in like a few days or something.

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