chapter 16- back home.

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We both eat then hang out for a while.
"Hey colbs?"
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm planning on going back to my house this week. I think it's safer now it's been a few days."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure."
"If you ever feel unsafe or something please promise me you'll call me?"
"I promise. Ok, imma go start packing my bag."
"Want help?"
"I'm good, thanks."
I walk to my room and close the door. I get my suitcase and start packing. After like an hour I'm mostly done sense i didn't bring too many things here.
I hear Sam get home so i go say hi.
"Hey Sammy, i was waiting for you to come back so i could let you know that I'm moving back to my apartment."
"Oh, ok. Are you sure tho?" Sam says.
"Yeah. I actually already got my things ready so i should probably head home."
"Ok, want a ride there?"
"Nah I'm good thanks dummy."
"No problem idiot. Just text me when you get there."
"Aight, bye."
Before I leave i go say bye to Colby.
I knock on his door.
"Yeah?" He says.
"Just wanted to say bye."
"Your leaving already?"
"Ok.. if you ever need anything call me ok?" He says hugging me.
"Alright. Love ya."
"Love you too."
I get my stuff and drive home. After a while i get there and put everything back where it belongs.
I lay down on my bed, let Sam know I've arrived and go through my phone.
I hope y/n is ok. But i trust him to let me know if anything happens.
"Hey Colby, me and Kat were planing on having a party night here Friday, what do you think?" Sam says.
"Sure, sounds fun."
"K, invite whoever you want really."
The first person i invite obviously is y/n.
-hey y/n, wanna come to a party Sam and I are throwing at our house?
-sure, when is it?
-this Friday.
-k, see ya then<3

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