chapter 25- Wilson castle part 1.

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I wake up and see Colby already got up and he's putting on a hoodie.
"Hey, good morning pretty boy~" i say.
"Morning handsome~ i was gonna wake you up now so you can get ready to head to the Wilson castle." He says after giving me a kiss.
"Ok, I'll get ready."
I go to the bathroom and change.

After i change i walk back to where me and Colby were

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After i change i walk back to where me and Colby were.
"Hey colbs?"
"Can I borrow one of your hoodies?" I ask while blushing.
"Yesss~ here, you can have my xplr one."
"Thanks. -i say as i put it on.- what do you think? Looks good?"
"You look amazing." He says as he walks over to me, holds me by the waist and kisses me then, he hugs me with his cute smile.
"Hey guys, ready to go?" Sam asks from the living room."
We get to the car and start driving there.
After a while of driving Colby starts filming.
"So, were three minutes away from a castle on a giant hill in Vermont." Colby says.
"Our buddies josh and Seth have done this and they literally think this is the most haunted castle in the united states." Sam says.
"Wait really?" I ask.
"Yeah! And it's at the top of a mountain, super creepy and we're literally about to pull up on it."
"Josh and Seth are right Infront of us so we'll see them in a second but check this place out."
We pull up to the castle and start parking our cars.
"That is the coolest castle I've seen in a long time"
"This is the first castle I've ever seen in real life."
"Dude it's all red and stuff too, look at the stained glass right there."
We get out of the car.
Josh and Seth walk up to us and we meet this guy who works at the castle named Andy and his friend steve for a little interview or something and start talking.
"You think it's haunted?" Colby asks them.
"We know it's haunted at this point."
"This is the only place I've heard like a disembodied scream."
"Well that's just amazing."
"There's times when it's uncomfortable for sure."
"Sounds good yeah, let's take a look around."
"Alright so before we actually start looking around we just want to really introduce who's with us for the video today." Sam says.
"Yeah so as you guys know Josh and Seth are here and they've been here before i think so that's cool."
"Hey guys!"
"Yeah, hey!"
"And y/n, also known now as my boyfriend~ and sam's brother is here with us today."
"Hi guys!" I say with a chuckle as Colby puts his arm around me.
"Ready to have a tour of the place?"
"Hell yeah!"
We walk inside and start walking around the place.
"So have you see anything like paranormal yourself?" Colby asks.
"Yes. I'm not the most in tune to it but I've definitely heard the footsteps, there's a vacuum that turned in by itself upstairs last year."
"That's insane."
"They were trying to clean up the house." Sam jokes.
I laugh a bit at his joke so it looks like I'm fine but i don't know.. there's just this spirit here that's watching us and it's making me kinda uncomfortable. I can't see it but i can just feel it string at us from across the room.
"First night they was here honestly like my jaw was on the floor, i had never witnessed anything like that before."
"What happened?"
"Oh God, it was the communication with these flashlights on the pool table upstairs-"
"Like the shanley!"
"Wasn't that the video where a ghost kept hitting on you?" I ask Colby as i laugh a bit.
"Yeah." Colby says laughing.
"Damn y/n, you got competition with ghosts now." Josh says mocking me.
"Yeah yeah~ it makes sense tho i mean have you seen Colby? He's hot as fuck-"
"Y/n!" Sam says laughing at me.
"What? It's just the facts!" I say while laughing.
"Aww you made him blush!" Seth says.
"Shut up seth-" Colby says as he hides his face.
We walk for a while longer and now we made our way to the second floor. The energy in this floor is way heavier then before i mean it just feels like whatever i was feeling down there is closer.
I get a bit nervous so i hold onto Colby's hand.
"You okay?" He asks.
"This is where the family that owns the castle lived until 2009."
"Was this where like the Johnson's lived as well?"
"This originally was the servants quarters. This area has um, a much different vibe than the rest of the building. This is like the heavy area. You just feel unconformable back here."
"Yeah, um so back there i was feeling like this spirit or entity watching us from across the room. It made me a bit uncomfortable but you know, whatever I'm used to it but when we got here to this spot it jest became worse like whatever that was is closer, you know? I didn't see anyone but i can feel them here."
"Wait what? Really?"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I don't know i didn't think much of it."
"Yeah people like mediums and shit have actually reported pretty similar things."
"Oh, cool."
"Yeah so that's pretty interesting. This area was totally avoided by even us. It's an interesting space like he said it's a totally different vibe."
"Yeah i could kinda feel that."
We go upstairs to the part that's abandoned in the castle that they don't show on tours.
"Oh my god this is huge." Sam says as we enter this old bedroom.
"Who's sleeping up here tonight?"
"Yeah i was gonna say this uh looks a little ominous."
Seth and Sam make a bet to see who sleeps there.
"Literally just springs up in there."
"Oh no!"
"Good luck kid."
"No! Oh my god! When you loose that's gonna suck man."
"Me? When you loose!"
"I don't think the loser should have to sleep on the bed."
"The casket?"
"The casket in the other room."
"What there's a casket?"
Josh jump over to Sam to scare him wich makes me laugh.
"Bro you scared the shit out if me!"
"Oh my god Sam you should have seen your face."
"There's a bird here!" They say and i walk over to them near the casket and see a bird trying to get out of the room so i open the window for it.
"Be free bird!"
"Bro there's a window open right beneath you!"
"Are we not gonna talk about the fact that there's a casket right there?"
"Oh no! I didn't even realize that!"
"I remember reading about this."
"So wait why is there a casket here?"
"Oh God! That's gonna scare the fuck out of me every time." Sam says as he gets scared by the bird.
"So it was given to us by a local funeral home. They did warn us that it had been used hundreds and hundreds of times. This was pre-body bag, they would transport your body in this front the place of death to the funeral home."
"So hundreds of dead body's have been in that casket right there?"
"Correct. It's now one of our iconic pieces for, you know, the paranormal investigations and stuff. It's very creepy."
"So me or you, who's gonna sleep in it?" Sam asks Colby.
"Sleep in it?"
"Or just lay in it after Seth apparently." He says pointing at Seth who's almost getting inside it.
"Oh wait-"
"Seth what are you doing?"
"Yeah, so you don't wanna go to this bed real quick? Ok you and Josh do a rock paper scissors real quick."
"It's a good thing that you didn't mention me Sam cause i was ready to fight you."
"Alright. Rock paper- wait! I'm going paper, ok? I'm going paper. -josh says.- rock paper scissors shoot!"
Josh goes with paper and Colby goes with rock.
"He literally told you!"
Steve is able to grab the bird and let it out.
"Yeahh like and subscribe for the bird. So how many bodies were in here?"
"Hundreds, so like it could be throusands."
"It could be."
"Did they have like wrappings on them? Like a mummy thing or just the bodies that's it?"
"Pretty much, you were pretty warm when their put you in there."
"They didn't have body bags so when the body was dead and you were warm and fresh they would put you in there to cool."
"Oh, nice. Yeah so, go cool down."
"I'm so glad you lost bro."
"Get out!" I hear this disembodied voice whisper.
"Holy shit!"
"I just heard someone say get out like right next to my ear!"
"Really? Holy fuck!"
Colby walks over to me to make sure I'm ok and i give him a reassuring smile, he still hugs me just to make sure I'm ok.
"Yeah, the casket is protected by something. It has told them to get out of the casket."
"So youre saying that if i get in it it's gonna provoke that spirit a little?"
"It's fine."
"I say definitely."
"Ah this is scary!" Colby says as he starts getting inside the casket.
"Are you scared of this right now?"
"This had hundreds of bodies of course i am!"
He lays down in it.
"You it fits you so well!"
"Thanks guys. Oh we gotta close the lid too? Alright."
"Oh my god-"
After we mess around a bit longer we go to the other rooms.

A/n: so I'm just testing writing the investigations more detailed to see if you guys prefer when i show most of it or when you like the short and quick version of it not really getting into the video. Let me know what u prefer. Love you all xoxo<3333

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