Alternative ending

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Tw: suicide  (yeah it's a spoiler but better stay safe for girlies with triggers :))

Aurora couldn't feel happiness, the tears just kept flowing, streaming down her face and the lump in her throat so big it felt like it was choking her.

She coughed trying to get the feeling disappear but it just got worse, all she could see before her eyes was the lifeless body of Fred.
His eyes without the shimmer of mischief, lifeless,

She stumbled around, no one really paid attention to the girl as they were too busy Mourning the loss of their loved ones.
She walked out of the great hall, she needed fresh air to get her brain working again.

She walked carefully towards the side of the bridge, what remained of it anyways as it was heavily damaged during the fight.
She grabbed for the only railing that was left intact, clutching it like a lifeline.

The burning sensation in her throat got worse, now she couldn't only see Fred's dead body in front of her but also her fathers.
Her dads eyes stared at her just gray not silver just a dull gray colour making her shoulders tense.

She couldn't see anything anymore just her father standing in front of her he grabbed her by the shoulders and brought his face closer to her.
"You failed."
She gasped and tried to step back when he spoke in a raspy and death like voice.

"You were never meant to succeed, your life was meaningless just like you were. You were the reason so many people died, the reason Fred will never grow up next to his brother. The reason so many people feel miserable."

She tried to fend him off, pushing him away and for a flash it worked. She could see Hogwarts again, the broken bridge, the destroyed castle. Then she saw his face, not her father this time but Fred. Not the dead Fred that was haunting her for the past moments but the smiling Fred from back at school.
Oh how she missed him.

She wanted to get to him and released the railing she was holding again, stepping a bit closer to the edge.
She kept taking small steps but a bird flew by in the sky and her attention to the bridge and her feet faltered.

Her attention was now fully on the beautiful bird flying by, she took a big step, stepped too far and her feet couldn't find a place to land on.
She fell, she didn't notice.

She kept falling only seeing the bird getting smaller and Fred walking closer to her, his arms wide ready for his typical warm hugs, she wanted to spread her arms open but the force of the fall was too big, the wind together with the speed at what she was falling kept her in her place, her cage made of air.

She kept falling.

The cage disappeared, she was free.

She wasn't a hostage anymore, to no one and she ran towards her love, her Fred who engulfed her in a big lovable hug.

A/N: so... this is the final chapter, when I said alternative ending I did not mean a happy one still love you guys <3
Thank you all for reading much love 

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