9: The map

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Because it was Draco's first year Aurora decided to tour him around Hogwarts. They ended the tour with the Slytherin common room.

Draco was acting a bit weird through out the tour, acting like he didn't know Aurora and ignoring her questions.
When they arrived at the common room he just ignored her and pushed her aside when he went in and walked to the couch where Crabbe and Goyle were sitting.

Aurora stood there looking at Draco the boy that would normally always follow her looking up to her. She felt like she just got punched by her younger brother but he just ignored her completely.

She pushed the thoughts aside maybe Draco was tired and didn't want to talk.
This wasn't a one-time thing though and he began acting tough and pushed himself away from her. She got pretty angry of this but mostly sad and began ignoring him more to.

Luckily there was someone like peeves to distract her and it was the beginning of the year what means a big prank to start the year.

The prank was a big success, peeves and Aurora were a good team they worked together perfectly only escaping filch was something that they couldn't do together or more peeves was just not loyal to her and just flew away leaving Aurora to get away by herself.

Normally that wasn't a big problem but filch was in a good mood and ran pretty fast for an old grumpy filthy filch and Aurora couldn't get away by just running. Luckily for her she knew Hogwarts amazingly well and knew the marauders map out of her head. She was still angry at filch when he took it away from her when she was eleven and a week later it was already stolen so she wasn't able to take it back.

Aurora hid in a secret passage filch didn't know about and took a moment to catch her breath. When she turned around she locked eyes with the Weasley twins.
"Bloody hell what are you doing here?!"
"More like how do you know about this passage?!"
Fred and George looked at her with big surprised eyes.
Aurora scratched the back of her head and tried to change the subject.

"Hey George how is it with lee?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I mean you, Lee, together?"
Fred interrupted the awkward conversation between Aurora and his brother.
"Don't change the subject, I thought we were the only ones who knew about this!"
"Well your not."
Fred rolled his eyes
"Well I can see that smartass but how?"
Aurora grinned
"I live here idiot it would be weird if o didn't know about this."

Aurora now got curious.
"What are you guys doing here anyway? And how do you know about these passages?"
"Oh we're planning some pranks, it's like the only secret place here and so the only one that's fit for this."
"And how did you find this?"
Aurora got suspicious, the only way possible was or amazing luck or the marauders map.
"Eeeh I don't think we should tell you."

Aurora glared at them and looked them up and down, her eyes fell on Fred's bag more a thing that was in it, it was something she very well knew and was looking for, for around three years.

Aurora tried to grab it out of Fred bag but he was quick and avoided her grab.
"What are you doing?"
"How did you get that, give that back!"
The twins looked surprised, Aurora had tears in her eyes, it was her fathers map together with her two uncles and that traitor we don't speak of. It belonged to her now that Remus had gifted it her after her dad got taken away, she never dared to tell him she lost it as it would break his heart.

"Why do you want it?"
"It's mine, filch stole it."
"Yes and we stole it from filch so now it's ours."
Aurora took out her wand threatening to hex them if they didn't give it back.

"Your just gonna give it to Snape or Dumbledore. We're not stupid we're not gonna give it to you."
"George you listen here. It's mine and I want it back now or you will never leave this passage."
"Hey your one of the first to be able to tell us apart so quickly."
"I know you guys for three years that's not fast. But don't change the subject give me that!"
"Do you guys never listen It's mine!"

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