5: potions and diaries

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Aurora and Snape arrived back in Hogwarts, she didn't know how to tackle this situation she considered just leaving it be and moving on seats from her problems without dealing with it. Snape was first though taking her to his office for a little talk, "are you okay? Do you wanna talk about what happened or are you just gonna try ignore it like usually?" Aurora looked at Snape, she knew her uncle was right and so she started talking. "Well look, I don't know exactly it's complicated." Snape just nodded and stood up, Aurora looked up a bit surprised and scared, what was he going to do? But she quickly calmed down as she saw that Snape just took two mugs of tea and put one down in front of her, she smelled it and noticed it was a sweet warm welcoming smell, her favorite. Snape sat down with his own mug taking a metal box of biscuits out of his desk putting them on the table "tell me what's on your mind exactly?"

Snape just sat back waiting for her to start. She knew he wasn't going to say anything through out her story he would just nod, snape was like her diary, he knew everything of her as she would always come down to his office and just talk about everything that's on her mind. Snape was a amazing listener and he would give short but effective solutions to every little problem.

"Well, I love Bella and I don't want to lose her again, but I can't lie to mum and Dumbledore. I just don't know what to do. Can you help me please but just make sure Bella is safe?"
Snape was still siting back carefully listening to what the girl was saying. It had been quiet in the office for around ten minutes when suddenly Snape spoke up "I think you should tell your mom, Minnie deserves to know just don't tell her where Bella hides, and if I'm not wrong what I am almost never, Dumbledore will probably know" Aurora nodded she knew the man was right, Dumbledore always knew everything so she wouldn't have to tell him anything but she did need to say something to her mum.

Snape noticed that Aurora agreed with him so he stood up again leaving Aurora confused until he came back into the office with Minerva by his side.

Minerva dat down on the chair next to Aurora and looked a bit concerned, Snape wanted to leave them to have a talk but Aurora wanted a bit of support so she let her uncle know he could stay because he already knew everything.

"Darling what's wrong?" Minerva spoke finally. "Mum,...." Aurora began and she told the whole story about Bellatrix. Minerva ruffled the girl's hair and gave the girl a reassuring hug "it's okay darling, I know how much Bella is for you and I respect that so I will not ask more further questions and I will act like I know nothing about it." "Thanks"

Aurora's mood was wat better and she helped Snape a bit in his classroom, she was ordering potion labels to put on bottles and jars while Snape was correcting essays. Snape just finished correcting an essay and put it on the pile of finished essays when Aurora noticed the name that was written on them Fred Weasley, Aurora picked it up and looked at what was written, it was pretty messy and just readable the content of the essay wasn't much better as it was definitely not worked out and she suspected that he probably did it the hour before the lesson they had to deliver it.

She could say George's essay wasn't much better Lee's on the other hand was pretty worked out he probably did it the day before as it still wasn't good it was just better that the essay of the twins. After Snape corrected the three essays he sighed "I shall have to give them another one this one was terrible." Aurora chuckled knowing that lee wouldn't be to happy and probably be angry at the twins.

Snape had finished all his work was looking for a subject for the new essay that would be given to the people who failed the first attempt which was almost the half of the class.

"Aurora, what do you think what an educative subject would be but also not to boring?"
Aurora sighed and thought for a second "well I mean maybe an essay about the last lesson, shrinking solution was it?"
"I think your right that might be a good idea."


Aurora sat in a abandoned place in a corridor she hoped that lee and the twins would pass by because she wanted to give Lee and the twins a book about shrinking solution and just in general a book that would make sure they make an excellent essay.

Aurora was lucky as it didn't take long for the twins and lee to appear and sit next to her as George started to speak "well well, we haven't seen you in a while."
"That's true I've got an interesting life not like you guys so I've been busy and I don't have the time to just sit around in corridors." Aurora said it with sass in her voice irritating the boys.
"Well so you know we've been busy too, we have been developing pranks while we are going to school." Fred shot back
"I also have school just not with you guys I have private lessons because I'm to smart for you." Fred huffed he knew she was right but didn't want to admit that.

"And you guys have not been really following school, I mean maybe you have been following the lessons you haven't studied anything and your potion essay also isn't good is it?"
The three looked at her confused, how in earth did she know of there potion essay?
Aurora went on completely unbothered about the looks on their faces,
"Here," she gave the book of shrinking solution to lee, "so I think that would help, well I should go bye"

"WAIT" lee shouted after her, "what are we supposed to do with this?" "Well," Aurora started to lecture, "you don't think that Snape is going to let you guys get away with such a terrible essay, you'll have to redo it."
Aurora walked away with a smirk as she saw the guy's smile disappear almost immediately.

Aurora was indeed right, the twins and lee had to redo their essay and were absolutely not happy about that as she saw them moping around the hallways.

Aurora was in the library reading her new book she got from Snape she got from Christmas, it was a muggle book but she always thought they wrote better books as they would fantasies about magic not knowing it exists. When she spotted lee with the book she gave him, he spotted her to and sat in front of her "you were right, we have to redo the essay, oh thanks for the book by the way." Aurora smiled knowing that she definitely helped lee. "Hey, I know you gave us the book already but do you mind helping?" "Oh, sure I'll help, where are the twins by the way?" Lee sighed en smiled shacking his head in disapproval, "well they didn't find it necessary to make it so they are just planning something." Aurora just nodded understanding and helped lee with his essay.


Aurora was helping Snape again by putting away all the trash still laying on the desks and making them ready for the next lesson as Snape was correcting the redo essays. Aurora became curious and looked over to the desk, first she saw the essays of George and Fred, they were basically the same with pieces of them copied from the one Aurora made with lee. Lees on the other and was really good, Snape just finished correcting it and looked up at Aurora "you helped them didn't you?" Aurora looked guilty but didn't lie as she replied with just a simple "yes" but she straightened up quickly and tried to explain herself when she saw Snape's disappointed face ,

"well I mean I helped lee, only him and he mostly did it himself I just gave him a book and helped him with a few lines not much. And I didn't help the twins they probably just copied lee." Snape just gave a small smile "well you did make sure they passed their grade so you should be happy with yourself. And I'm not mad by the way, you have a big and great heart and it doesn't hurt anyone to show it once in a while. You just have to make sure that they won't take advantage of that." Aurora nodded and gave him a quick hug and then ran out of the room when she heard that the lesson would be starting.

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