6: exams

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Exams creeped around the corner and kids were stressed like hell.

Aurora had always been following private lessons but that didn't mean she didn't have any exams, her exams were a bit harder than the exams of the other kids but that was only normal for her.

Aurora never minded exams it was one of the only times she actually felt like she was at school and she didn't know if that was something weird but she liked the idea of going to school, she never really experienced it but she could guess.

Aurora liked the studying for the exams the most as it had a nice vibe around it, she would always study in Snape's office and he would always give her favorite tea and biscuits. He would help her with everything that she didn't get but at the moment it wasn't necessary so she would just hang around the library reading tons and tons of books. Aurora was just enjoying herself when Lee came to her little table in a hidden corner in the library

"you know that your hard to find, I've been looking for you for about an hour."

"Well maybe I don't want to be found."
"Oh well to late I found you and I have a question for you."
"Ok so you know the exams are coming up and I have to study but I can never concentrate and then I got reminded of the essay we did together and so.."

Aurora cut him off already knowing what he was going to say.
"You want me to help you study?"
"Um yes I do."

Lee was ashamed of asking maybe she now thought that he was stupid and couldn't do anything himself, but Aurora didn't mind they could study together and she liked lee, he was nice so why not.
"Okay, but just so you know we would be studying together then because I also have to take the exam."
Lee looked relieved and gave a little smile to her.


Aurora and lee would study together for every exam now and it would really help, Lee's grades went up and Aurora just had more fun as Lee told her about all the stupid things the twins and he did.

The twins did get suspicious of lee though and they wouldn't believe that he did all this work by him self but lee kept his promise to Aurora and shut up over their study sessions. Aurora didn't like the thought of it being know, she hoped that as less people possible would know of her existence but she was glad Lee was her friend she had enough with one friend.

Lee came back from one of his study sessions in the library with Aurora and felt fully prepared for the Herbology exam that was coming. When the twins asked where he had been, Fred scanned the book that lee had under his arm and liked suspicious at him.

"Hi boys what are you guys up to, pulling another prank?"
"No we're trying to figure out were or best fiend always hangs out."
"I'm you guys best friend ooooo thanks"
Lee gave an innocent little smile as George and Fred looked straight through that.

"Who is helping you?"
"No one.."
"Are you sure?"

"Then why.." Fred began "do you have a book from Aurora in your hand?"
"Oh is that how the mystery girl is called?" George just got it and Fred and George started to bicker.
"Of course that's how she's called how many times have I said that now?"
"Well I mean you're more invested in her than I am"

"Not true!"
"O yes it is how did you otherwise know that it's her book?"
"Because it's the book she left in the hallway once and I gave it back to her."
"Well you still knew it was hers."
"Well yeah is saw her walk around with it for a while."
"You see your look at her!"
"She's an interesting figure"
"Well yes I suppose I have to give you your right on that she is indeed an interesting person but still you like her."
"I don't even know her?"

Lee tried to slip out of the common room without the twins noticing but that didn't go as planned as they immediately stopped bickering and turned to lee.
"Where do you think you're going Jordan?"
" uh- taking some fresh air."
Fred said with an dramatic tone,

" what a good idea I think I also can use some fresh air"
He said the fresh air with such a big amount of sarcasm that even the stupidest person would get that he didn't believe that Lee actually was taking some fresh air.
George joined in irritating lee
" o Fred what a wonderful idea maybe we don't fail our exam than."
Lee sighed and gave the book to Fred and left to the boys dorm.

Fred and George looked happy and satisfied with themselves, and Fred had something else to, a book, he twirled it around in his hands and though by him self I will have to give it back now.


The exams went well for most people, Lee, and Aurora both got very good grades and the parent of lee were over the moon. The twins also scored good but absolutely not perfect.

Summer vacation came and Aurora was spending her time mostly at Malfoy manor until Bella came with a proposition for Aurora.

Aurora was over the moon when she heard the proposition and immediately said yes. Not many time later Bella and Aurora walked up a street and stood still for a house named Grimmwauld place 12. The house Aurora grew up with her grandmother.

It took Bella and Aurora nearly a month to clean the house even with help of magic.

In the summer vacation Aurora didn't do much she spent a lot of time with Bella and went shopping with Narcissa.

Maybe she didn't do much in the summer vacation but she liked it, she loved the time spent with her favorite aunts Bella and Cissy and Draco was also way nicer to her than at Hogwarts so her mood was amazing. Aurora loved her new life. Always being at Hogwarts can be boring when you only have teachers to talk to, but non the less she did miss Minerva and Snape.

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