22: the second task

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Aurora was sitting in the library reading about werewolves.

After it almost came out that her uncle was a werewolf, luckily it didn't thanks to Snape who didn't spoil it, Remus was trying to be more careful but he wasn't able to look up information and so Aurora scanned through books from the restricted section given to her by madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey was happy to help Aurora as that meant helping Remus. She was the one that always cared for Remus after a full moon in his time at Hogwarts.

Aurora got startled by Hermione dumping books on the table. She picked up one of the books and read out the title out loud.
"aquatic plants and their effect on organisms, Hermione what are you doing with that I thought your already studied you aquatic plants."

Hermione sat down on the chair next to Aurora and started to sort the books out with an annoyed look printed on her face.
"Well yes but Harry needs it."
"I'm afraid I don't get it."
"You know the golden egg yes?"
"That screeching thing?"
"Indeed Harry finally figured the next clue out."

Aurora's attention went fully to Hermione.
"What is it?"
"The egg sang a song,
Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

Aurora repeated the lyrics in her head over and over but couldn't really figure something out but she didn't have to because Hermione explained everything to her.

"Okay so we figured out it's probably merpeople meaning that he will have to search something in the black lake cause that's the only big pool of water at Hogwarts."

Aurora caught on and finished her sentence.
"And your searching for a way to breath underwater."
"Can't you use the bubble-head charm?"

Harry walked towards them and sat in front of them, he to having a lot of books with him about potions.
"Already tried didn't work."

Hermione let out a little cough.
"Didn't work for you maybe I could do it perfectly, if you would practice and study maybe you would be able."

Harry sat there with a angry look towards Hermione while Aurora laughed at the comment.
The tension that hung around the table got broken when Ron walked towards them with even more books, letting them fall out of his hands and scoffed.

"Bloody hell if we can't find something in any of these I will jump of the astronomy tower."
"That can be arranged brother."
Ron looked up to where the sound came from and looked straight in the mocking eyes of Ginny.

She and Neville came to join them for the completing of their homework.

After a few hours Ginny was getting extremely bored and was moaning about her potions essay. She threw her hands up and knocked her head on the table.

Aurora sighed at the girl and finished Ginny's essay as there was not much left and she honestly didn't mind.
Ginny was not the only one though that had given up on homework, Harry and Ron had stopped before her and laid with their head on their books, sleeping suspected Aurora.

Even Hermione was on the verge of giving up, she had looked through most of the books and found nothing, her hope was now left on the plants as those were the only books she had not looked through yet.

Hermione, Ron and Harry had decided to divide the books so it was less read work, Ron had looked through potions while Hermione looked through spells, it was Harry's task to looked through the plants but he fell asleep first as apparently being a celebrity was a hard task.

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