3: pranks

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Aurora had free for the rest of the day and was just sitting in an abandoned corridor waiting for peeves to show up out of nowhere to tell her his plan and so she could tell him the prank pass worked and they could get away without getting consequences.

She was reading a book over mushrooms while drinking a nice warm tea when she heard the sound of footsteps coming closer, it wasn't peeves cause then she wouldn't hear footsteps so maybe it was Snape as he didn't have lessons now, but it could also be filch so she closed her book and was ready to run away as fast as she could if she would see filch coming around the corner.

Aurora was lucky though because the person coming around the corner had a nice face instead of a old grumpy face so it couldn't be filch, she was pretty surprised to not only see one face but three faces, she recognized the faces from transfiguration class, they were the Weasley twins, Fred and George, accompanied by Lee Jordan.

Aurora didn't know what they wanted but what she wanted was to run away so she started to walk away until someone grabbed her wrist, she thought it was George but it could also be Fred for that matter because much difference between the two wasn't visible. She looked confused and very stressed out by the thing that just happened, as Fred or George noticed that he immediately let go, "o, sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Sorry" Aurora didn't answer she just stood there not wanting to say anything at all.

Lee made the gesture to show that she could take a seat and he also sat down to the wall, the twins quickly followed, but Aurora didn't, she didn't know the twins and Lee so she wasn't just gonna follow their orders. She stood still looking down at the three seated boys in suspicion, she didn't say a word but just tapped her foot on the ground meaning that they could say something, and the got that as they started to speak.

"Okay," began Fred or was it George, "so I don't actually think that we know you, what's you name?" Aurora didn't utter a word she looked at them in suspicion "what do you guys want?" She finally brought out. The boys looked shocked, they did ask a question but they weren't actually expecting a answer definitely not of her. "Well..." Lee went on "we heard you talking in class with McGonagall over peeves, ... and our question is: could you help us introduce us to him?" Aurora looked surprised, this wasn't the question she was expecting, "well, I suppose if you just wait he will come." The boys nodded, and Aurora sat back down reading further in her book, she wanted to pick up her mug of tea that she put on the ground when she stood up only to notice that one of the boys had knocked it over spilling the tea over the floor. She looked at him and just sighed in disappointment.

It didn't take long for peeves to show up, he came floating around the corner with a smug grin on his face. He looked down and saw Aurora and the three boys sitting, the smug grin disappeared quickly from his face and now looked surprised, Aurora didn't have friends apart from him and Draco Malfoy and Draco wasn't at school so normally Aurora would sit alone or with Snape, Snape was always nice to her and would always listen to her, he was like her living diary.

Peeves didn't say anything, he just glared down at the boys. "Peeves your here, I got the pass you asked for. Oh and by the way these boys wanted to meet you for whatever reason." Fred stood up "hi, I'm Fred, this is George and that's Lee. We heard you are a great prankster from or brothers Bill and Charlie and we love what you do, so we wanted to ask you if you could help us?"

"What do I get from helping you guys? You are just first years and I haven't seen anything you've done," "that's not true." Aurora spoke up earning a glare from peeves. "Well, I mean you were lurking around a corner looking at them running away from filch." Aurora got another glare from Peeves and a pretty snappy answer "well, so you know it's not every day that someone runs away from filch after pulling a prank and lives to tell the tale." The boys gulped at the memory of filch "well, I mean we did just barley escape" said George, "he even grabbed my wrist" George nervously traced the place where filch grabbed his wrist with his free hand.

"You see" peeves said "incompetent, not able to pull a great prank. Come on we have a prank to pull." Aurora nodded and walked after peeves leaving the twins and lee alone with defeat plastered across their faces. George tried to lift their sprits "well no help then, but maybe if we get better he will help." Fred sighed and slid down the wall again, he shook his head and looked to the side when he spotted something in the corner of his eye. Aurora forgot her book in the hallway and now Fred had it. "I've got an idea" Fred beamed as he picked the book up.


Aurora and Peeves set everything up, as they promised do Minerva it would be harmful just a bit painful. They decided on a lot of different things so they had more chance of success. They changed a lot of filch normal thing with a prank version, they waited and waited as Peeves started to run out of patience. She was just able to shut peeves right when filch came into his office. Filch sighed as he took a little teacup out of the cabinet not knowing it wasn't a normal teacup anymore and poured some tea in it. "I hate children, why can't they never be good mannered." Aurora didn't get filch, he hated children but why the heck did he work at a school than.

Filch tried to drink from the teacup but got bitten in the nose instead while he still got a bit of tea in his mouth and started to burp heavily. Peeves and Aurora started to laugh and after filch came out of his office trying to catch the two trouble makers, Aurora and peeves started to run straight towards the transfiguration classroom knowing that McGonagall didn't have a lesson at this time and they had a prank free pass so they would be safe there.

As Aurora burst trough the door with peeves following her flying straight trough the sealing leaving Aurora alone. She closed the door quickly en sighed as she looked up thinking she would just see an empty classroom but she was wrong, while she looked up she looked straight into a pair of warm soft brown eyes she had a feeling she knew them but she was not sure. Aurora looked shocked and felt a flash of heat rush to her face as she froze on her spot, she tried to run out of this awkward moment but her body wouldn't let her. Aurora had always hated this, her body would never let her run out of difficult or awkward situations meaning that she would always had to deal with it.

The eyes came out of the dark and Aurora could now see it was one of the Weasley twins. "What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same" Fred answers. Aurora didn't answer but just glared at Fred, stepping away when Fred put his hand out out, she turned around and saw her book that she had left in the corridor. "Ow, thank you for bringing it back." Fred looked at her "can I know your name now?"

"Can I know yours?"
"Don't you already?"
"Well yes but are you Fred or George?"
"Ow, you know it hurts that you don't know that."
He said it rather dramatically making Aurora roll with her eyes. Making him snigger.
"It's Fred darling, and now you."
She said it rather quiet hoping that he didn't hear it.

" well Aurora, if that's what you are actually called, I have a little question. Me and my brother saw what you did to filch. And so please give us a few prank ideas, you don't even have to help with pulling them, just give us a few ideas. Please."
" and what do I get out of this, it's seems to be a pretty stupid deal."
"You can ask anything you want I will do it for you."

"Yes anything."
"Well deal. First of some little things, nose biting teacups or fanged frisbees are always useful. Start small and then go bigger and make shut your last one catches all."
Fred thanked her and ran outside to tell this to his brother and lee.

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