29: Preparing for war

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Ginny walked in Aurora's room in the afternoon. The girl hadn't eaten all day and Fred had to help his mother with cooking supper. When she walked into the room the curtains were closed and Aurora was laying face first into her pillows.

Ginny sat down next to Aurora on her bed and stroked her hair "Aurora" she whispered, she got a small groan in response. "Aurora, you haven't eaten yet so get your ass out of bed please." Aurora turned around facing Ginny and nodded.

when Ginny stood up Aurora slid out of her bed and now sat next to her bed on the ground. She felt like nothing like she was just a floating body driving in the air moving from place to place without feel, like she was just observing her body but still her legs felt heavy and moving was still hard.

It felt stupid really- She felt stupid. Like she just had to move on there was nothing to change now and life went on. So she stood up and looked at herself, she was still in the clothes of the day before, blood of a death eater was shining through on the hem of her shirt.

She took Fred's jumper that he had left for her when he slipped out of her room that morning, he had given a small kiss on her head thinking she wasn't awake but she hadn't really slept she heard but didn't say anything she didn't want to bother his day to day life. He was also grieving she knew that and so she didn't want her problems reflected on him.

She pulled on his jumper with some cozy sweatpants and followed Ginny out the door. She did really have to eat and even though she wasn't really hungry it would help make her a bit stronger.

Ginny stopped her midway and pulled her into a hug, Aurora felt the sweet smell of warm chocolate milk, fresh flowers, grass and butterbeer penetrate her nose.
Aurora let her fully emerge in the hug and Ginny's scent.

Ginny had been playing quidditch none stop already at school but after the events that happened the night before she had been out all morning and midday long, playing quidditch with Fred and George in quiet all three trying to put their thoughts into place. Ron had joined them right before Molly gathered them to help with lunch.

Aurora let herself cry and she could feel, by the tears dripping on her shoulders that weren't hers, that Ginny did too.
"I'm sorry." Ginny whispered.
"For what." Aurora looked the younger girl in the eyes and wiped first her tears and then her own away.

"For not being able to help, if I hadn't uselessly stood constantly by Luna, because I was afraid for her leg and her not being able to protect herself which she clearly could, than I would probably helped Harry as I was before and I might have been able to save.. him.."
She didn't say his name, nobody did as nobody dared. Not for themselves and not for Aurora because if they said his name it would be official who had died, it would be certain that he wasn't here anymore and they couldn't have that.

Aurora felt a wave of guilt washing over her, she was constantly thinking she and Remus would be the only one affected but the other would clearly be too.
She took Ginny's face in her hands and pulled her forehead towards her own.
"Ginny-" she whispered. "You are definitely not to blame, nobody really is." Ginny sighed almost like a weight lifting of her shoulders but not just yet.

"You were protecting someone you love and rightfully so, I would not have ever forgiven myself would Luna had slipped away from us because you were protecting my- my-" she sighed, she could do it, she could say it. She had to "my dad. But I must ask you to forgive yourself. You are NOT to blame know that please."

She crushed Ginny in a hug and the girl started crying again but this time of relief the weight really lifted from her shoulders. Aurora felt way better, and felt ready to go to dinner, speaking to friends and just talking about it might help. It's not bad if you cry they are just human emotions.

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