21: Yule Ball

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After the announcement of the Yule Ball everyone had a date after a week apart from some unlucky people who weren't able to get one.

The teachers also started working on the ball as they wanted it to be spectacular and Majestic and right now only a few people could actually preform a proper dance fit for the ball.

Minerva was the one who took the task upon her and tried to teach the students a proper dance. She started with the Gryffindors and first gave them a lesson about behavior and then dancing.

Aurora was sitting in a nook of the ballroom giggling at the faces of boys who looked scared and bored and girls who looked exited and terrified.
She got bored three minutes in the lesson about behavior that went on for an hour and started reading.

When the dance lesson started two redheads came towards her pulling her down from her comfy spot.
Fred took her book out of her hands and sneaked her arm around her neck.

"Darling how come you are reading instead of participating in this educative lesson of the art of dancing."
Aurora rolled her eyes and tried to get her books back but unfortunately Fred was way taller than her.

Fred laughed and gave her her book back.
"Here, McGonagall asked for you btw."
Fred shrugged and it was George who answered her question.

"I suspect so didn't like it that much that you were reading in the middle of her speech and I also think that you have to dance with us to."
"Why would I get dance lessons I don't want to go to the ball."

Fred faked a deeply upset look.
"Oh what a shame I was gonna ask you."
Aurora laughed at that and walked towards Minerva but George noticed the genuine look of sadness on his brother's face.

Minerva needed Aurora to help her with the music because Filch was not really helping and she wanted Aurora to do some helping as she was not going to try again giving Aurora dance lessons as she had tried when Aurora was younger, the girl was just a horrible dancer and Minerva could not fix anything about it.

When the dance lesson was finally over Aurora walked over to Ginny and Neville to compliment them on their dance skills and she had to say that Lee was also a pretty good dancer.

The twins were around the same level of Aurora though and thus she felt obligated to laugh at them.

Aurora helped Minerva throughout all her dance lessons and to be honest she had a lot of fun with that as Luna Lovegood was a really nice girl and a friend of Ginny who was not going to the ball as she was to young and so was just dancing in her own way while teaching those moves to Aurora.

The Hufflepuff's dance lesson was also really enjoyable but the Slytherin lesson stood out more than all the rest as they were surprisingly good dancers already and they danced with such a charisma.

After all the lessons were over Ginny came up to her and they walked to the lake together.
"I have some news for you...."
"Oh really."
"Yeah well one is good and one is bad."
"Let's start with the bad one than"
"Oh yeah uuuh Neville asked me to the ball after he got rejected by Hermione because she already got a date and I feel really bad for him so could I say yes and like we can watch movies another day and you could always come to the ball to and yeah...Sorry."

Ginny spit out the words so fast Aurora had to register everything for a second, and the only thing she could bring out was a simple "what?!"
And after Ginny explained it again calmly so that she was understandable this time. Aurora would've really loved their girl's night but she also understood why Ginny didn't want to say no to Neville because come on its Neville.

"What's the good news?"
"Oh it's more shocking to be honest but Hermione is going to the ball with Victor Krum."
Ginny just laughed and nodded her head and Aurora slumped against a tree with a shocked face what made Ginny face laugh harder.

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