17: The Truth

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Christmas was around the corner and Aurora decided to stay at school so she could celebrate with her uncle and most importantly her dad.

Bellatrix was disappointed when she got the news that her niece was not coming home for Christmas but when Aurora told her about Sirius she got it and even sent her a present for Sirius herself.

The day of Christmas was exiting. Aurora woke with no presents at the end of her bed but she was used to that as the adults didn't like to just lay it there, they wanted to give it in person. And for her friends they didn't even know where she slept.

Aurora put on her typical Christmas jumper she got from Snape five years ago, it didn't really fit anymore but even how hard he tried to tell her to ask for a new one of give a new one she would not even wear it. She loved this one and that would not change.

She walked down the stairs into Snape's office on her way to breakfast when she got stopped by Snape.
"You're not going about your day without my present. Here." Snape gave her a small black box. "Merry Christmas Rora."

Aurora opens the box and saw three different things, two rings and a necklace.
"Well you know, your mother was a big fan of everything that had to do with dragons, i saw you reading a book about that so I thought you might like your mother's jewels about dragons. And then the other ring is her wedding ring. She had it on when they found her. I thought you might also like that one."

Aurora was on the verge of crying but held it in. She had to go a long way and wasn't planning on breaking this early in the morning.

She gave her uncle a hug and then his present what was easy he just asked for the same thing every year, a hug, and a picture of the two together. Aurora knew why, she looked a lot like her mother and Snape was sad that he didn't hug his sister so often and didn't have that many pictures of them together so that was a way to still feel his sister even though she was not there anymore.

At breakfast she walked straight to Adrian and gave him his present what was the first Game of Thrones book. Adrian himself gave her a necklace. Adrian's mother made her own jewelry and because he had told her about Aurora his mother made a gold with emerald necklace for her.

Aurora talked for a bit with Adrian and then walked over to the Gryffindor table sitting down next to Ginny.
"Gin I got something for you..."
"Ooooh same."
Aurora took out a book for Ginny and Ginny did exactly the same thing. The most fun thing about this was that it was the exact the same book. But they didn't mind, both of them wanted to read it.

Lee sat on the other side from Aurora and gave her a necklace. It was a silver one with a blue amulet.

The twins shared their present, though Fred also gave her a necklace that was at the same time a watch. It was a famous Weasley sweater. After the twins told their mother about the fire bolts that they got from Aurora molly started to make a sweater for Aurora herself.

Aurora immediately took of her old jumper and put her new one on. This one did fit and so she kept it on, even though she felt bad for her uncle Severus because she promised him she would always wear that one for Christmas.

But when she told Snape she didn't wore it he was surprisingly happy, happy that his niece wouldn't walk around him in a way to short jumper.


It was Christmas evening and Aurora sneaked out of the castle with a bit of food mostly meat, she was sure her dad liked that. She could not forget a few presents for her dad and went to the shrieking shack.

Right before Aurora left she checked if Remus was okay, it was a full moon after all and she wanted to be sure that he was going to be fine and she did not have to help him. He promised her that he would not do something stupid and after the full moon celebrate Christmas with her.

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