32: New beginnings

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(read authors note at the end of the chapter if you don't agree with what happed in this one, I've got you covered.)

A month and passed since the ending of the war and a lot had happed, things became normal again but even a month after Fred's heart had stopped beating Aurora was still a wreck, nothing seemed to work in life.

Ginny passed by her house every day just to be there as a form of support for both girls and after that awful month they decided to go to therapy. Ginny because she didn't want to irritate Luna with her problems and she wanted to pass her last year at Hogwarts without to many mental issues but Aurora for a different reason.

She had noticed a week before she went into therapy that she was often nauseous and after doing a test she got the news that she was expecting twins. The shock was big when she got the results however she was glad she would give birth to two kids that were half Fred.

Ginny rang the doorbell ready to pick up Aurora, they had therapy at the same time just with different therapists. Aurora let her in and offered her a cup of tea, she cleared her throat and spoke up "Gin, i have to tell you something..." Ginny looked at her with anticipation. "I'm Pregnant, twins, and definitely from Fred." She spit out hiding her face behind her mug awkwardly. A smile grew on Ginny's face and she engulfed Aurora into a hug "That's great news Ro!" Aurora smiled glad it was well received.


Eight months passed by and the therapy went great. Aurora was able to place the deaths of family and friends and was able to handle it in a proper healthy way now, she was still going through with the therapy though wanting to make sure she was in a great head space to take care of her kids.

She now had told everyone that she was pregnant and when she had told Molly it had been one of the only times the now older woman smiled glad life was really beginning to be normal again. Fleur had her daughter 'Victoire' a mere week before Aurora gave birth to her twins.

She had done a week long research of star signs for her twins names wanting to live up to the family tradition. The twins being laid in her arms made her heart melt completely, seeing Fred's eyes staring back at her. 

The oldest of the twins was a boy she named Nash (Alnasl) Fredric Sirius Black, he had black hair just like herself but the beautiful deep brown eyes like Fred. She felt bad for only choosing two middle names when she originally had planned four but later after Tonks persuaded her she decided to leave 'Orion' and 'Severus' out of her little boy's name.

The younger twins was a girl she named Ascella Nymphadora Ginevra Black, she had ginger hair just like her father and had the grey eyes like Aurora and Sirius. Aurora decided to name the girl after the two people who helped her through so much in life, and because choosing Bellatrix would maybe not be such a good choice figuring how other wizards and witches would recognize it. 

Tonks was there when Aurora gave birth, just like Ginny but unlike Ginny she cringed a bit when Aurora spoke the full name of her daughter. "Rora, I love the long name and I appreciate that you gave her my name but please could you make it Dora and not the full name?"

Aurora looked at her niece with an evil grin "Oh but Dora, where would the fun in that be?" Tonks sighed and gave a little nudge to her niece's elbow but if she was honest she didn't really mind Ascella would wear the name properly.

It clearly was the year for kids as George and Lee adopted a little boy they called Eris Fred Weasley, making Nash and Eris share a middle name partly, Eris being a bit older.

A pretty peaceful month later, apart from all the diapars and no sleep, Lee decided to ask George if he wanted to be his husband and of course like everyone suspected George said yes. The wedding ceremony was utterly beautiful, fairy lights hanging from the ceiling and multiple desserts the guests could chose from. But- be warned, If you chose the wrong one she could turn into a bird for an hour.

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