But yet, he was always there for me

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After the whole Sauske incident, which happened like two years ago, I was finally able to confront Sauske again in a way. . .

"Wait wait Kakashi, your saying your going to be one of my sensei's!?" I said.

"Yes Y/N, I've told you this like three times already," he says rolling his eyes, clearly tired of my speaking.

"Well it's a big deal! My. . . My. . . Technically my dad is gonna be my sensei!" I said with disgust in my words.

Cause like c'mon! Who wants their own parent as their teacher!

"Well we still don't know yet Y/N. You can get assigned to any of the other ones. Also, of course if you pass the exam. . ."

"I have that exam in the bag, it's more Naruto I'm worried about. . . Speaking of Naruto I haven't seen him since yesterday and he was supposed to come over. . .But anyways, the other sensei's are lame. They don't seem the type to have funny moments like us Kakashi! They don't understand our humor," I say fake crying.

"So do you want me as your sensei or not?"

"Well no, but at the same time. . . Your okay I guess."

I could literally see him sweat in relief.

"Why are you doing that face?" I ask.

"What face?" Kakashi says serious.

"Don't act stupid Kakashi you did it just a second ago, it's your "I'm saved" face."

"I don't make faces, you literally can't see my face-"

"WELL YOUR EYE GIVES IT AWAY!" I say pointing.

"Well your only seeing things, I'm leaving, I have a meeting with the Third-"


"Y/N stop being so dramatic, I don't know anything-"

"You always act like this before something big happens! And then you expect me to figure it out on my own, and then I get a major headache trying to think when it's not even necessary to think because I'd find out at some point either way from you!"

"Y/N I don't know anything, now I have to go see the Hokage, but remember what I always tell you: If you leave the house, don't do anything-"

"Stupid. . . I know already Kakashi, you've been telling me this everyday for the past two years. I get it by now," I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Well it doesn't hurt for you to hear it again, bye Y/N," he said while patting my head and eventually leaving me in the house alone.

Wow, that means I'm going to see Kakashi even more now. He's going to be with me constantly . . . HOW AM I EVER SUPPOSED TO FIND A MAN!?

I'll too young to die alone. . .

But I need to train for this exam, even though I know how to do most of the jutsus perfectly I don't really need practice. But Naruto definitely does, but it's not like Naruto to show up this late, where could this dude be at.

And there's nothing to do here, might as well go do some training outside.

Two Hours Later. . .

Where the hell is Naruto! We need to train for our exam tomorrow. He better not be doing something stupid.

"Why are you lost child?" A voice of a man suddenly said in the shadows startling me.

It Was All For You (Sauske x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now