CH29: The Gang's All Here

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Within the Emerald Forest, there lays the ruins of something that was once a mighty temple. Something that has been around far longer than Beacon. Something that used to mean so much more than what it is now. However, the test of time is the most grueling of all, and this relic of stone lost to it just as everything else had. Now? It's an objective.

Of course, the massive temple isn't the objective. The real objective is a small, miniscule piece of ruins that lay just a few yards away in the forest. A small circular shrine, lined with pillar like stands. On top of the stands, were black and yellow chess pieces. Soon, these items would decide the order of which fate brings itself upon the world.

From the treeline, rustling was heard. Then, a girl dashed out into the clearing. A girl with multicolored everything and a parasol. The girl looked around for a moment before turning to the treeline and nodding. Then, a pair of boys walked through. Well, one was carried into the clearing by the other one.

Y/n: That them?

The girl nodded again.

Y/n: Good. Go on and grab one, I'll stay with Cardin.

The boy he was carrying struggled to get himself to his feet. Apparently, he heavily disliked relying on Y/n to carry him. Maybe it's because he hasn't washed his damn trenchcoat in like, four universes.

Cardin: You can let go of me now. My aura's almost full anyway.

Y/n: Congratulations, you can walk. Now what do you plan to do about that pillar I've been dragging?

They, or rather, Y/n, had been dragging Dragonslayer with some rope that he inexplicably had on him. It had been terrible to drag five hundred pounds all together, but Y/n managed.

Cardin: Yeah, fair point. Give me five minutes.

Y/n: Hmm.

The hunter jumped up to a low tree branch. He roosted there, content to wait the initiation out until someone died or it got interesting. Cardin might have imagined it, but he swore that he saw Y/n swipe his hand at the air as he was jumping. Soon after, Neo returned with a chess piece in hand. A yellow bishop.

Y/n: See anything?

She glanced at Cardin, who certainly didn't speak sign language.

Y/n: Just sign, you don't have to use your scroll.

Neo, for the third time, nodded.

'No. I think we're the first to reach the ruins.'

Y/n: That's the ruins? I thought it'd be more... grand.

'Are ruins more grand where you're from?'

The hunter had flashbacks to parkouring around a dragon tornado that was also a massive destroyed time warped coliseum.

Y/n: You have no idea.

Another duo emerged from the treeline. The original three turned and saw that Yang had entered the clearing with the conspiracy girl in tow. Cardin tried to wave them down, but couldn't find himself with the ability to move his arms. Fortunately, Yang isn't blind. She quickly spotted them and ran ahead, forcing conspiracy girl to join her.

Yang: Sword Guy!

Cardin: You literally called me my name!

Yang: Yes I did, Sword Guy.

Cardin: No, earlier! You called me Cardin!

Yang: Sorry, but that was because we were having a serious conversation. I'm calling you Sword Guy now.

Cardin: You suck.

The blondie responded by rolling her eyes at him. She looked around and finally noticed Y/n and Neo, who were having their own conversation in sign.

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