CH55: Iron Fist

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Getting in wasn't a small task. The Vale Museum was one of the most secure buildings in the entire city. Nothing could sneak past the expertly crafted surveillance cameras, which covered every last inch of space within the museum. Even if you get past security, you'd then be faced with the dozen huntsmen that are stationed there every month. Lastly, the artifacts themselves are guarded by sensory traps that only fall under very specific circumstances. One of which, is if 10 of the dozen huntsmen enter a code to override the trap.

Funded personally by Beacon and the council, the Vale Museum is an impenetrable fortress. That which no thief or warrior could break through.

Although, this much protection on a museum has caused speculation. Yes, history is important, but why would a huntsman academy personally fund a city building along with the council? Some believe that there are dark secrets locked away within. Unimaginable truths that can shock even the most level headed men out there.

But those are just theories. Museum theories.


It was two hours past midnight. Almost all of the security guards were either asleep or bored. As you would expect, not many people are interested in robbing really old textbooks, no matter what historians say.

The night life in Vale is immense. Dozens of bars, clubs, and casinos were amongst the streets. Parties and raves could be heard from across the world in Vale. As such, it's hard to find a dull moment to rob someone. However, these two thieves in particular are built differently.

Ludwig lurked within the small amount of shadow. He weaved throughout crowds amongst the streets like an insect through grass. The hunter spotted his target across the road on the front steps of the museum. One of the security guards patrolling the corners of the marble building.

With a quick swipe of the hand, the man was knocked unconscious. Ludwig had given him some sleep dust. Using the stuff without Napoleon felt wrong. The fact that he was reduced to working with Cinder put a bitter taste in his mouth, but that taste was a good reminder of why he needed this done. So he could see her again. Ludwig swiped a key card from the man and hid the body.

Suddenly, a scream interrupted him. It was hard to hear amidst the nightlife, but Ludwig had good senses. It was vaguely from where Cinder was supposed to be working.

The hunter felt the urge to check, but the image of Neo and Roman overwhelmed his instincts.

'Just get the shard.'

Ludwig leaped up onto the museum's roof. He was supposed to meet Cinder here, but Moonlight hadn't uncomfortably vibrated yet, which meant she wasn't around. It would be difficult, but getting the shard solo won't be a problem.

He was about to swipe the key card to open the rooftop exit, but the sound of sizzling stopped him.

Ludwig: You're using magic?

Cinder let out a shallow laugh and walked ahead of him. In her hands was a guard's key card, just like Ludwig's. The only difference was that her's had a drop of blood on it. She looked back at him with eyes set ablaze.

Cinder: Am I not allowed to indulge in a few niche pleasures?

The hunter glared at her. The pyromancer blinked, and the flame was gone. She swiped the card and the steel door swung open. With eyes full of amusement and a smile that could make babies cry, Cinder gestured for Ludwig to go in first.

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