CH49: Over the Top

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Crescent Rose cleaved through another clone of Ludwig. Ruby let out a quick sigh, before following up with another attack almost seconds after. Weiss and her were standing back to back, fighting off the hordes of glass clones that were after their throats. Each time they cut one down, more came in their place. If they didn't attack the illusions, then one of the two real ones would get an attack in.

Ruby: Weiss, we need some aoe here!

The Schnee impaled another Napoleon.

Weiss: Some what?!

Ruby groaned as she cut down a fake Ludwig.

Ruby: Area of affect! If we get all the clones at once, then we can attack the real ones!

Weiss swept Napoleon and jabbed the point of her rapier into her shoulder.

Weiss: I used an inconvenient amount of aura to save you! If I cast too many glyphs, you won't have the support to take on the guy!

The Scarlet Satanist transitioned Crescent Rose into a sniper to off three more illusions.

Ruby: Do we really have more options!?

Weiss let her guard down for a moment, letting the real Ludwig jump in for a slash from his sword. The heiress manifested an ice glyph to make a shield. Ruby unfolded Crescent Rose and swiped in a circle, getting a clone while simultaneously forcing Ludwig away. While Weiss was recovering, she saw a glimpse of the crates that these crooks had been loading.

SDC Shipping.

Weiss: Actually, I think we do.

She parried and thrusted Myrtenaster into a fake Napoleon.

Weiss: Ruby, I'm going to try something stupid.

Ruby smiled as she reaped the necks of two Ludwigs.

Ruby: About time!

Weiss grimaced as she fell another clone. By now, the terrain looked like the aftermath of an alcoholic man in a rage room.

Weiss: Buy me time!

She turned and placed her hands on Ruby's back. Before Ruby could question, a boost glyph was manifested on her back. With a small whoop, the satanist shot forward, cleaving through as many clones as she could. Weiss conjured her own boost glyph and made a break for one of the SDC crates. She scurried around the shipping container for a second, but soon enough, her eyes fell on what she was looking for.

Ruby was on a complete joyride. The red flash was blazing across the battlefield, slashing each and every illusion to ribbons. Well, it actually wasn't a lot. She took out at least ten until Ludwig stepped in and started to halt her. The assassin braced himself as he attempted to stop the unstoppable force.

Weiss: Ruby, on me!

The heiress had thrown an entire crate of lightning dust into the sky. The organized box of yellow crystals streaked above them. Suddenly, a shard of ice made contact with the unstable shards of pure heavenly smiteyness. Ruby sprinted towards Weiss, and the two were protected by five ice glyphs making a very reinforced dome.

Ludwig understood the threat before his partner did though.

Ludwig: NEO!

He tackled her to the ground. Napoleon realized what Ludwig was doing and bashed his chest. She wanted to scream at him not to do this, but she was mute. All she could do was cry shouts of nothing.


'Don't hang up on me next time.'

Ludwig cursed himself and started to rummage through his bottomless pockets. Eventually, he pulled out a trinket that looked like a small yellow shield. Napoleon, still scared, resigned herself. She reached out, caressed the cheek of Ludwig, and closed her eyes.

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