CH33: The Schedule for Gifted Murder Machines

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Team CYN eventually got the school supplies from the mall after grouping up. Y/n seemed to have recovered from his episode at the museum, but Cardin had noticed that he had yet to put his dagger back on his wrist. When asked about his knife, Y/n simply said that it was too flashy to be wearing in public. Cardin didn't believe him, but had no choice but to accept it because Y/n is as good as lying as he is at hiding his feelings. The guy's a stone wall.

Teams RWBY and JNPR had successfully picked the uniforms for the entire group. They enjoyed dinner in Vale, their last stress free meal before having to be fully fledged out Beacon students. The highlight of the night was probably Blake making the mistake of bringing one of her books along. Yang got a hold of it, and much to the dismay of Blake, got everyone to read the first few chapters out loud at the table. The only reason they stopped at the first few is because the restaurant manager asked them to stop reading it aloud due to the more... lewd aspects of Blake's literary taste.

When the kids all got back to their dorms, at was about ten. Cardin ended up going to sleep by himself, as Neo and Y/n wanted to go out parkouring around Beacon's campus. They got back an hour past eleven, showered, and Cardin can't prove it, but he swears that they slept together. Not sexually of course. Though, that would explain the weird rustling noise coming from their side of the dorm...


Team CYN woke up an hour early. Y/n was dreading the first day of school. Why? Because he had to wear a modern uniform. The uniform is a full suit, tailored to have gold edges around the cuffs and color along with golden buttons. Y/n already disliked it, but the he saw the bright red tie that was a mandatory accessory. Begrudgingly, he walked into the restroom to change. When he walked out, Neo snickered and took a photo. Not because he looked bad, but because she knew he hated it.

Y/n: Oh, shut up.

Cardin thought that Y/n looked normally, excluding the fact that he was still wearing his hat.

Cardin: You're gonna keep the hat?

Y/n looked almost offended.

Y/n: Of course I'm keeping the hat! I'm already wearing this damn neck trap, they won't be taking my hat.

Neo, with a shit eating grin, showed Y/n the picture of him and her in vibrant suits at that one heist in the summer.

Y/n: That was an exception and you know it. That one at least had pockets for my knives.

Cardin looked at the photo. Weirdly enough, ethereal blue is a flattering color for an eldritch hunter. Who knew?

Cardin: Seeing you in anything bright is disturbing. It's a good disturbing though, if that makes sense.

Y/n: It doesn't, but I'll act like it does.

'Okay, get out of the doorway Y/n, it's my turn!'

Neo nudged him out of the way. Nudged is hardly the right word though, she tried to, but is the size of most high school water fountains, so she just kinda pushed until Y/n moved out of the way.

When Neo got out, Y/n had to stop himself from getting what we in the industry call, a pointy doinky.

(Fun fact! If Neo's eyes are opposite to the corresponding hair color, it means she's going to kill you. Seriously, watch the Yang fight and pay attention to her eyes when Yang gets pinned.)

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