CH13: Unmasked

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Adam felt betrayed. That is the best word to describe it. As much as he wanted to reject his heart and emotions for Blake Belladonna, he was but a man. Of course, he was a man with abilities that could make any man would kill to gain. But what was power in the face of happiness?

That question was what had been eating away at Adam. What was power in the face of true happiness? He likes to think that he wouldn't have to care about his feelings because of how tough life had made him, but without happiness, it's all a medium of tasks that are more or less fruitless.

And that's where he finds himself now. A shell of who he was days ago wasting away in his private suite out in Patch. He listened to Wings and requested a break from the Fang. Although he was granted a break, it wouldn't be a long one. He couldn't really argue against it. He was the commander of the Vale branch. He couldn't just pop in and say that he's using his vacation days.

So, Wings talked with the Nightwatch, which was the Black Ops of the White Fang, and they all agreed to help out with Adam's daily duties on his absence. Despite Sienna Khan's disliking for the idea, no one can argue off a pissed off Australian and a concerned Mexican. Kronk and Kitsune were indifferent about the situation. Adam needed a break, so they'll pick up the slack for Adam.

Oh yeah, those are the other four members of Nightwatch. Kitsune is the fox girl that uses a kusarigama. Yes, Kitsune means fox in Japanese. Don't ever point that out in front of her unless you want to have your tongue removed and your skin carved into. She's very rough on the subject of her name. Aside from that, she likes to binge watch slice of life anime and play video games.

Next is Kronk, their resident Giga Chad. He isn't the brightest, but he's strong as hell. Adam offered to teach him sword arts in case he wanted to try one of those massive two hand katanas from Monster Hunter, but he said that hands are all that is needed to beat up civilians.

Third is Wings. Her name and identity are unknown to everyone except Sienna Khan, who is a see all, know all kind of individual. Of course, the only reason her identity is kept secret is because of Adam, who stepped in and claimed that any Faunas should be allowed safe haven in the Fang, no matter name nor preference. If she wished to be a voice in a sea of many, then Adam believed that she has every right to live her desired background character lifestyle.

Fourth and final is Isabella Aaliyah, who is the manic bunny Faunas that sent Cardin on his Metal Gear Rising Revengeance arc. Although that is her real name, everyone calls her Harley, because of how fucking insane she is with a My Little Pony sticker on a baseball bat.

Obviously, the team leader is Adam Taurus, but you already know about him.

And that's about it. Adam was sitting alone in his room, wasting away in Patch. Away from the White Fang, away from Blake, and away from the violence. Don't get him wrong, he loves fighting, but when you're around it constantly, it changes how you see things. Normal household objects become last ditch weapons in his mind.

A cutting board? Jam it against someone's throat and slam on it to snap their neck. A sink? Hold them down and slowly drown them in it, feeling the life fade away from behind them. Hell, even something like a pillow or cloth can be thrown at someone as a distraction, making a perfect chance for Adam to either cut them to shreds or moonslice them into dust.

Case in point, to much violence is a big no no, even for someone that loves it.

And as for what he was doing specifically?

Adam was on the couch with a controller in his hand. He was, like most males in this time, distracting himself instead of directly facing his mental issues. The game in question was recommended to him by Kitsune.

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