CH5: Mamaimmacrimidal

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Y/n: You reckon Roman has any other significant members?

Me and Neo were currently on our way to (RandomAssWarehouse).

'What do you mean?'

Y/n: Well from what we know, Roman's personal crew is just you, me and him. Do you think he has anyone else that's as good as us?

'He said that he's aspiring and was pretty surprised when you told him that I was a necessity in robberies. My guess is that he has no actual inner circle and got lucky finding us.'

Y/n: You're right. His guards weren't loyal either, which means that he doesn't have a respected name or reputation in the criminal underworld.

'He did openly insult them.'

Y/n: Yeah, but the fact that one actually had the balls to hit their own boss means he isn't that much.

'I wouldn't say that. We haven't seen him fight and he's practically Loki's son with how charismatic he is.'

Y/n: You read Norse mythology?

'Sort of, I don't go out of my way for it, but I'll take the storybooks if they're free.'

Y/n: Huh, didn't take you for a bookworm.

'I'm not a bookworm, I just like reading.'


Y/n: Can you hear yourself?

'As a matter of fact I can't. I speak through a scroll.'

Y/n: You know what I meant.

'Do I?'

Y/n: It'd be disappointing if you didn't.

'Okay enough with this, what were we talking about?'

Y/n: Roman's lack of reputation, allies, power, and pretty much everything a gang leader needs.

'We don't know much about him. He definitely has allies, he wouldn't have found us by himself.'

Y/n: Not to mention his social skills. It's not a big asset, but he can talk himself out of anything. When Moonlight told me about the threat, my mind went to murder immediately.

'You really have to tone down the murder, dude.'

Y/n: I have, It's been like two days since I've killed someone.

'That's a shit track record.'

Y/n: It's actually not a record since no one's found the body. Technically, I have zero confirmed kills.

'That makes no sense if we know he's dead. That makes it a confirmed kill!'

Y/n: If we're basing my murderous tendencies off of legal conditions, then that means that the kills are under legal conditions as well. Zero confirmed kills have been committed by Y/n L/n.

'That's a stupid loophole.'

Y/n: All loopholes are stupid. That's why they're called loopholes and not solutions, because they make no fucking sense.

'Oh perfect timing, we're here.

We took a left into a narrow alleyway that led into an open area. In the middle was a warehouse that was surrounded by fencing and demolition vehicles. That's actually pretty smart. Keeping civilians and feds away by hiding in an area that looks like it's about to be leveled.

Y/n: Can you jump that high?

'Of course I can jump that high!'

Y/n: Fine, damn.

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