CH2: It Was Just a Prank

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Me and Neo were walking through the streets trying to find a place to live. She was weirdly bubbly. I expected someone that lives off of muggings to be all hardcore and pessimistic. Guess she's just too happy, if that makes sense.

Y/n: Is there a neighborhood you had in mind?

She took out her scroll and started typing.

'Nope. Any motel will do though, as long as we have two beds.'

Y/n: One bed and one couch is more affordable.

'You're not sleeping on the couch.'

Y/n: How come every time I have a good idea you immediately shut it down?

'All of your ideas include some form of self sacrifice that benefits me only.'

Y/n: Self sacrifice is a stretch, it's just a couch.

'And the idea for an allowance system that obviously made it so that I got more?'

Y/n: You're a woman and have more need for cash.

'Like what?'

Y/n: Fuck if I know. Hair products? I assume it's hard to manage three different colors.

'First if all, it is. Second of all, that's a pretty shit reason. I want this to be fair.'

Y/n: It is, it's just that I don't need a lot.

'Then we make a savings account. A shared savings account.'

Y/n: Fine, have it your way.

We pulled up to a stoplight and cars started to go ahead. I stopped to wait while Neo kept walking and typing on her scroll. I thought that she would notice the street ending, so I simply waited. A second passed of her not stopping and I noticed a white truck speeding towards us. With little time to waste, I lunged forward and tried to grab her.

Y/n: Neo!

She heard my voice and stopped for a second. That was just enough for me to flashstep forward and pull her away from the street. The only thing I didn't account for, was how hard I pulled her. She collided with my chest and grappled me out of fear. I looked down and saw a startled Neo with her arms wrapped around me. She just looked up at me, very afraid and slightly embarrassed.

Y/n: You gonna let go?

She gasped and quickly let go of me. Once I acknowledged her staying on my chest, she had a bright blush on her face. Is it weird to say that it blends well with the pink hair? Yes? Okay... I was going to say something else but I heard the voices warn me if extreme danger.




Shit... I'm going to be hearing that a lot tonight. It was to save Neo and nothing romantic came of it. Ranni will understand that, right? It's not like I'm interested in some girl I met a few hours ago. That's some ridiculous anime shit.

Y/n: Neo, I can't lead here. No clue where the hell I am.

She recovered from the shock and embarrassment and started walking with me.

Y/n: What are we gonna do to make more cash? We can't live off of what we got from Snow White.

'I figured we would get actual jobs. If we get stiffed, we can always keep mugging until we get our savings going.'

Y/n: I'll find some way to make dirty money. Mercenary work, body guarding, hell, if I can rob an actual store we would be set.

'What about starting new, good lives?'

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