CH50: Aftermath

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Last night, a massive brawl ensued at the Vale City Docks. The participants were a group of six Beacon Academy students and one transfer from Vacuo against the infamous Roman Torchwick and his gang, partnered with White Fang personnel. This brutal conflict started when Torchwick and the White Fang were illegally looting Schnee Dust Company shipping containers.

Eye witnesses report that the students bravely intercepted these criminals when they were searching for a teammate that had ran off just a couple hours before.

Some of these students can actually be identified by some of our frequent viewers. Three of which being Cardin Winchester, who was involved in the tragic Winchester case, god bless the three who lost their lives. Another being Ruby Rose, who is not new to these acts of vigilantism as she tussled with crime boss Roman Torchwick before during another dust bust. Lastly is Yang Xiaolong, who has a reputation on the streets for causing fights in local bars and clubs.

Unfortunately, none of the suspects were appended. For anyone watching,  the suspects are: Roman Torchwick, a man named Ludwig, a woman named Napoleon, a faunas under the alias "Wings", and another faunas named Harley. We are unable to provide imagery of any suspects except Roman Torchwick. Please, if you have any information, call the authorities or VNN.

It is unknown how the criminal organization got access to such information. As of right now, the SDC has yet to make a public statement regarding their assets in such terrible hands.

However, while the SDC is silent, Beacon Academy has made plenty of statements supporting it's students. Headmaster Ozpin claims, "My students identified a threat to Vale and risked their own lives defending their city. Any claims that they should be punished for clearly good acts are childish."

When a reporter asked why huntsmen weren't sent, the Headmaster responded, "The brawl was started and finished in 20 minutes at the fullest. Within such a small time frame, not only would it have been pointless to call authorities, but it would have been life threatening, as it would have been easy to get caught off guard during an engagement."

Another reporter asked if Beacon was alright with their students being endangered, the Headmaster answered, "While I do not condone my students looking for trouble, I do heavily condone reaction and self defense. In fact, I would be angry at these children if they saw the crime and did nothing. Do not let their age deceive you. They are young, yes, but they aren't young enough to misunderstand their occupation. If you look at these brave and noble souls and see potential dangers to society, then I suggest that you realize that you're safe because people like them fight for a good cause. Your cause. That is all I will say on this matter."

That is all the information we have surrounding this event. The students are all being taken care of in the emergency room. Their hospital address will remain concealed, and we ask that anyone with their whereabouts keep it that way. These children have been through enough without paparazzi. This has been Karl Asus with VNN, thank you for watching.


All of them were transferred to hospital rooms. Cardin and Blake were in critical condition. Both took heavy damage and were suffering aura failure. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were all laying in hospital beds in silence. Morning sunshine beamed through the window, making silhouettes of the three girls from behind their curtains.

Ruby: Do you guys think they're alright?

Yang: Blake will get better. She would have died if I hadn't gotten there when I did. I just- Cardin...

None of them needed reminding. After all, they were there.


Red and blue lights flashed in every corner of the Vale Docks. Rain poured heavily. The police were busy detaining the many goons that were knocked unconscious by Penny. On the far side of the docks, away from the roaring sirens, was Velvet. She was on the ground, holding an unconscious and barely breathing Cardin in her arms. Her ears dropped down. The tears pouring down her face blended with the rain. You couldn't hear it over the sound of police sirens, but the girl was crying for him.

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