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Elena blended ingredients in a bowl for making churros. "Hey guys! Come check this out! It's Todoroki and Bakugo!" Denki said from the living room. Elena put down everything on the counter before she went to the living room. "What is it?" Elena asked, looking at the tv.

"There was a robbery. There's water all in the city. And ice appeared to stop the whole thing. It might be Todoroki-" Denki began, only for all the ice to explode. "He's had the fucking license for thirty minutes!" Elena said angrily as she watched the scene.

Elena grabbed her phone and saw a few livestreams of the scene close up. "Oh my god." Elena groaned and walked back into the kitchen.

She watched the livestream while stirring in the bowl. She mostly saw All Might, trying to block the bystanders, but she could see Katsuki and Todoroki fighting in the back. Suddenly the camera got past All Might as they filmed the scene. Elena's eyes widened when she couldn't see Katsuki, instead she only saw chaos of water. "Young lady! Get back!" All Might yelled, only for the camera to fall a second later, a small explosion being heard.

Elena saw Katsuki on the screen, glaring at the woman. "If you're gonna commit suicide, do it somewhere else!" Katsuki yelled as the water began firing at them once more.

However, the livestream cut off in a single second, making Elena groan as she began pouring the churros into the boiling oil. An irk appeared on her forehead as she poured up the churros. Sato had made a cake for them already, it being in the fridge. She sighed and leaned onto the counter only to get startled when she was hugged from behind.

"Shit!" Elena yelled, standing up. "Take it easy-" Katsuki said, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Asshole! Worrying me like that!" Elena said, wiggling around. "But I busted the villains, didn't I?" Katsuki asked, kissing her neck as Elena almost immediately melted.

"Yeah but-" Elena began. "No buts. Now finish the churros. I have a stupid interview in a second, but after we eat, I want to go upstairs." Katsuki said, giving her cheek a small peck before he walked out.

Elena continued making the churros as she could hear Katsuki's yelling in the other room, probably from the interview. She chuckled when she heard Katsuki telling the interviewers to get their eyes and brains checked.

She finished the last churros before putting them in a bowl and pouring sugar over them. "Yummy." Elena said and put the bowl onto the kitchen island. Since the only sweets Katsuki liked was Ice cream, and churros, she loved making it for him. Of course he ate everything Elena made, since it was tasty, even for him.

Soon Katsuki was done as the interviewers left the living room, they caught sight of Katsuki sitting down at the kitchen island, giving Elena a small smile. The news reporter lady was quick to tell them to go over to where Katsuki and Elena was. Elena rolled her eyes and kept them away using her telekinesis.

"Is that your girlfriend? Also known as Elena Yuuji?! How long have you been together? How is it, considering she was kidnapped a few months ago?" The news reporter began shoving questions their way, but she only referred to Elena as a Yuuji.

Aizawa came in a single second upon seeing it in the cameras. He was quick to come there and shove them out. "You're trespassing. My students are trying to have a nice day and you're disturbing them. Now leave!" Aizawa snapped, his eyes glowing red as his hair floated.

The news reporter was shoved out the door, huffing before she left with the camera crew. "I hate the press." Aizawa said, getting goosebumps as he shuddered in disgust.

"You're not the only one.." Elena mumbled as Katsuki patted the seat beside him. Elena went and sat down beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder. "I'm sorry about that.." Aizawa said, referring to them calling her Yuuji.

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