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As Elena changed, she used her towel as a help to cover herself and make sure they didn't notice the scars on her body. Usually when they changed, she either came first or changed last to make sure no one would see her scars, but today she couldn't. Seeing as Mina dragged her into the changing-room.

"Elena! You did great at the race! What did you do at the internship?" Mina asked in admiration as she changed. "Eh. Well-" But before she could respond, she heard yelling from the room beside theirs, hearing the squealing voice of Mineta.

"Yaoyorozu's ample yaoyoro-boobs! Ashido's slender waist! Uraraka's fine Uraraka-body! Yuuji's fine ass and boobs! Asui's unexpected boobie-" Mineta began, lisping. However before he could finish, Jiro had plugged her ear-jack through the hole and stabbed Mineta's eye.

They could hear Mineta's screech as Elena felt herself rage with anger. "Little shit!" She yelled as red light radiated around her, hearing the screaming Mineta behind the wall.

Bakugo could see the red lightning radiating around Mineta as he flew into a locker. He smirked to himself, knowing it was the doing of Elena.

"Thank you, Kyoka-Chan and Elena-Chan!" Tsuyu thanked them. "How despicable. Let's close this up right away!" Momo said as the girls fumed with anger.

Elena looked at Jiro, seeing her slightly disappointed face. She approached her, putting a hand on her shoulder and spoke.  "You know, you're really beautiful anyways. Mineta is just a damn weirdo. He's literally a short little guy with fucking balls on his head. Don't listen to him." Elena assured her, smiling. She hated when girls were judged by their appearance.

"Not to mention, you're fucking badass anyways!" Elena said forgetting that her scars were on full display. Jiro's mood lightened up, not noticing the scars.

But just as Elena remembered the towel she had, the girls behind her gasped. "E-Elena? Why do you have those scars?!" Mina asked, approaching her.

"W-well. They are battle scars. I guess I had some tough training when I was little." Elena quickly came up with an excuse. "Oh, that probably explains your badass moves!" Mina said. "Eitherway, the scars make you look more badass. I think they really show how much you work!" Jiro complimented.

Elena's cheeks got red of embarrassment. She quickly used her quirk go get her clothes. "Thank you girls.." Elena thanked, quickly putting her clothes on along with her shoes before walking out.

'I hate lying to people. Fucking shit of a father had to do this to me..God damnit.' Elena thought, small tears leaving her eyes. She was so in thought that she didn't realize someone's calling for her.

"Oi! Dumbass, wha-" Bakugo began, grabbing her arm to turn her around, but once he did he saw her face, seeing the small tears running down her face. His face softened upon seeing her vulnerable state. Elena's face was usually in a teasing smirk, or she was frowning. But now she was genuinely sad.

Elena quickly wiped her tears, trying her best to hide the fact she had been crying. "Forget it. Let's go to class." Elena said, turning around to go to class, but before she could do so she was pulled away by her arm.

Bakugo pulled her away, finally finding a distant corner away from the students. He looked at her with worry in his eyes, but a stern look. "Tch. Something is wrong. What is it?" Bakugo asked her. Elena was looking at the ground as her eyes were shining with tears.

Bakugo looked at her, sighing before he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. "Don't get used to this. It's a one time thing because I don't want to see your crying ass in class!" Bakugo said as he embraced her into a hug.

Elena tensed up at the gesture, before relaxing and hugging him tightly. She burried her face into his shoulder as she sobbed. "I'm fucking tired." She mumbled in a chant, tears beginning to stain his uniform.

Bakugo warmed up his hand, rubbing her back in a comforting manner. "You know, things won't always be shitty." Bakugo whispered into her ear, trying his best to make her stop crying.

Once her crying finally stopped, Bakugo pulled away to look at her.

"You look like shit." Bakugo teased with a smirk. The saying made Elena smile slightly as she wiped her face with her sleeve. "Thank you for the nice compliment." Elena said sarcastically, looking at him with a chuckle.

"I didn't know you were good at comforting people?" Elena said in a slight teasing manner. "Oh shut up." Bakugo said and ruffled her hair before he put on his uniform jacket, covering up the stain of tears on his shoulder.

"Wait- did you wait for me?" Elena asked, looking at him in wonder. "Yeah, I wanted to thank you for getting some fucking sense into that damn small fry. You know, the locker got punched in, right? And that damn Grape got a bleeding head." Bakugo said, smirking at the thought.

Elena smirked even larger at the thought. "Serves that pervert right. Didn't I tell you at the train that if someone dares check me out I'll show them hell?" Elena asked, looking up at him with a smirk.

"Tch, I guess you did." He said. "You're lucky that the boys refuse to say that it was you." Bakugo continued. "What can I say, he deserved it. Not to mention they wouldn't dare snitch on me!" She shrugged.

"I guess you're right."

Elena did the same routine after walking home with Shinso. She got a beating, got back to studying after fixing her wounds, and had a small fruit after stealing it with her telekinesis.

As she leaned back in her desk chair, she sighed. "Sooner or later, someone will do something about this, without my consent..." She muttered. "Sooner or later.."

Elena ended up falling asleep mid-studying, not seeing the message she had gotten from a special someone.

'You better fucking sleep, dumbass.'

Words: 1080

Okay, so this chapter was a little emotional for me T-T Elena crying breaks my heart ;(

She doesn't deserve all that shit- honestly. However, I'm officially done with the hero killer arc! I hope you liked it! Make sure to vote and comment so I can get some feedback on my writing!!

Ciao <3

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