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Fifteen minutes after the attack, Katsuki sits at an ambulance, getting treatment. He only had very very small bruises from an occasion when the knife villain had cut him, and that is what concerned him the most.

'She might be getting tortured right now, and here I am, getting fucking treatment for a fucking paper cut.' Katsuki thinks.

"Bakugo." Aizawa says, approaching the boy. "Where's Yuuji? Is she still in the forest? I'll make sure to go get her if so." He says, looking down at him. Katsuki grits his teeth, thinking about her. A picture of her came up in his head. The way fear was present in her face as she disappear in through the portal. "She's gone. They took her." He said, looking up at Aizawa.

He watched Aizawa's expression drop as slight fear was present on his face. All he does is nod before he walks away. Elena was one of his most precious students. He had felt a sort of connection with her, as if they were related.

Not only was she one of the strongest in the class, but he related to her a lot. Not to mention she was pretty quiet when he was asleep in class, and that soothed him. So hearing that she was gone, was a real shock.

That day, out of forty students, fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition from the villains gas, eleven others had major of minor injuries, while thirteen were uninjured. And...one was missing.


As a knock was heard on Izuku's door, Denki opened it, looking curiously. "Oh, Midoriya! You're awake! Did you see the news? The media's swarming the school right now." Denki explained as some of his classmates entered the room.

Katsuki was sloppily walking in beside Kirishima. He had his head low before looking at Midoriya. "It's way worse than it was at spring." Sato said. "We've got a melon! We bought it together! A big melon!" Mineta said with a smile.
(I'm so sorry folks, but I gotta admit. This was actually cute.)

"I caused you trouble, Midoriya." Tokoyami said, apologizing. "No, I did too. Did everyone from Class A come?" Midoriya asks.

Bakugo looks back down in anger. "No, Jiro is still unconscious from the villains gas. And Yaoyorozu also got hit hard on the head and is hospitalized here. Apparently she regained consciousness yesterday. So everyone but two came." Iida said.

"Sixteen of us." Uraraka says. "Elena isn't here." Todoroki says bluntly. "Hey, Todoroki!" Mina warns him. Bakugo looks up and at Midoriya. "All Might said, "I can't save people I can't reach." That's why he will always save those he can reach. I was in a place where I could reach. I had to save her...But my body couldn't move.." Izuku said, blaming himself as he cried.

Bakugo's eyes widened as he clenched his fist. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You damn- I was within a fucking meter of her! And I didn't- I-" Katsuki began, raising his voice as he clenched his fist harder so that he wouldn't cry.

Katsuki was not only disappointed in himself for not saving her. But he was disappointed at himself because he let them take her. Elena had became a big and important part of his life. Kirishima patted his back as Katsuki calmed down and looked down at the ground. He had got eye-bags. Katsuki had a hard time sleeping when all he could think of was the fear in her face.

"I couldn't save someone right in front of me..." Deku cried, looking at Katsuki. Suddenly Kirishima spoke up. "Then, let's save her this time. Actually, Todoroki and I were here yesterday too. On our way to your room, we saw All Might and a Police officer talking to Yaoyorozu." Kirishima began, explaining that Yaoyorozu had put a tracker on a Nomu.

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