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As Elena made her way back to the stands with Bakugo after being at Recovery Girl's office, she was met with the whole class looking at them with a smirk.

"That was hard, huh Bakugo? Playing the bad guy?" Sero asked. "Even if it was because of the match-up, you played an amazing villain, Bakugo." Tsuyu said.

Elena's face turned into a frown as she looked at them in disbelief. "Shut up! Be quiet!" Bakugo bickered as he walked beside Elena. "But man, I can't believe you were able to aim such a huge blast at such a frail girl... I had to hold back.." Kaminari said as he tilted his head back. Elena immediately whipped her head to him.

"Held back? You didn't fucking hold back! Instead of holding back, you sent your greatest attack at me to try and paralyze me. But instead of doing so, you fucked up your own brain and lost. So in conclusion, you just lost. Calling Uraraka frail when she took at least 40 blasts to her damn face, and put up a great match against Bakugo, meanwhile you only took 1 to loose is just damn wrong." Elena snapped as she sat down beside Kirishima.

Bakugo sat down beside her, seeing as it was the only tolerated seat of the ones that were free. "I have to go!! I'm going to have an arm wrestling with that Tetsutetsu guy!" Kirishima said in hurry as he walked out of the stands. "Good Luck, Kiri!!" Elena said with a smile.


"The draw from the seventh match of the first round, Tetsutetsu and Kirishima!" Mic announced as a table was placed in the middle of the bounds. Cementoss and Midnight stood by it as the opponents walked into bounds.

"How the hell did he make it there that fast-" Elena asked in confusion. "Shitty hair trains in all types of shit. That including stealth. So he must've ran his damn way down there." Bakugo explained as he leaned his head back on the seat. "Oh, okay." Elena responded as she watched them put their arms on the table.

"Three, two, one, Start!!" Mic announced in the speakers after the boys had took each other's hand. They immediately began struggling as they tried to take each other down. Elena watched Kirishima's hand tilt slightly to the inside more, meaning he had the advantage. "Come on Kirishima!" Elena yelled as she cupped two hands beside her mouth.

Kirishima's head perked up slightly at the sound of her voice as he hardened his arm more, feeling the need to win and finally tilting it more. "The winner of the arm wrestling match to who advances to the second round is...." Mic began.

Kirishima pressed hard onto Tetsutetsu's hand as he hissed, and before they knew it, Kirishima had taken over and pulled Tetsutetsu's arm to the side, breaking the brick table. "Winner, Kirishima! He advances to the second round!" Midnight announced as the crowd began cheering loudly.

Kirishima began yelling in pride as he lift his fist. "The one who won his ticket was Kirishima!!" Mic yelled through the speakers as Elena cheered.

Kirishima walked up to Tetsutetsu, putting out his hand as he took it in his. Midnight began squealing, "S-so youthful!"

"Now we've got everyone who's advancing to the second round! So let's get started!" Mic said as Elena leaned back in her seat. "I have to go and check on Midoriya! I'll be back!" Elena said before rushing out of the stands towards the waiting rooms. Midoriya just walked out of the waiting room as she approached him.

"Hey! Mido! Are you feeling okay?" Elena asked, seeing as she saw the small tears under his eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay. Wanna follow me to the tunnel?" He asked her. Elena nodded as they began walking. "Do you have a strategy?" Elena asked. "Not really. You never kn-" Midoriya began, but before he could finish, Endeavor rounded around the corner. "Endeavor?!" Midoriya screeched as Elena clicked her tongue.

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