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As Elena entered the house she was met with Bakugo's dad, greeting them, since Mitsuki picked them up. "Hello Elena. How are you feeling?" Masaru asked, smiling gently while Mitsuki and Bakugo bickered at each other. "I'm feeling alright, Thank you." She responded.

Mitsuki made Elena sit in the front passenger seat, so Bakugo began claiming that Mitsuki loved Elena more than him. "Oh shut up you brat!" Mitsuki said before greeting her husband, kissing his cheek.

Elena sweat-dropped before she took her jacket off. "So, where will Elena sleep?" Bakugo asked. Mitsuki began smirking evilly as she turned around to look at them. "Oh! She can't sleep on the couch. Is it fine if you sleep in Katsuki's room?" Mitsuki asked, smiling. Elena's face became a little red before she answered. "I guess..." She replied shyly.

Mitsuki walked to the kitchen with Masaru. "Did you hide the mattresses like I asked you to?" Mitsuki asked, whispering. Masaru nodded, remembering the message from Mitsuki that he had received earlier.

Bakugo took Elena's hand without a second thought as he walked up into his room. He began looking for a mattress in his closet as Elena sat on his smaller couch in his room. Bakugo sighed before yelling. "You old hag! Where's the mattresses?!" He asked, receiving an angry tone back. "I don't know! If you can't find them then just have her take the bed." Mitsuki yelled back. Bakugo's face became red as he put his hand over his face.

"You know, I'll be fine with just a blanket, I can take this couch." Elena said, smiling gently at Bakugo. He looked at her for a second before he got out a blanket for her from the closet. "Forget it. I'll sleep on the couch." Bakugo said, sighing as he put blankets and a cover on the couch. "If the old hag found out you slept on the couch, she'd torment me for the rest of my life." He said before he ruffled Elena's hair.

"Why don't you sleep on the bed with me? The bed is pretty big anyways." Elena said, smiling innocently, trying her best not to think of the outcome. Bakugo glanced between the bed and her, raising an eyebrow.

"I bet the old hag planned this.." Bakugo mumbled before he nodded. Elena smiled before realizing something. She groaned. "I don't have any clothes...can I borrow you-" Elena began asking before a white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants were thrown onto her face. Elena grabbed the clothes before glaring at Bakugo. He smirked back at her before he went and laid down in the bed. Elena walked into the bathroom that was connected to his room.

She took her own clothes off before putting Bakugo's on. The t-shirt and pants were quite big on her, but luckily she could tie the pants, so they would stay up at least. She walked out of the bathroom to see Bakugo on his phone as he sat against the headboard.

He took a quick glance at Elena before he turned back to his phone. Elena frowned before she jumped into the bed, sitting up beside him. She leaned against his shoulder, looking at his phone. "Who's that? Your girlfriend?" Elena asked, smirking at him. "No, it's Shitty Hair. He won't stop bugging me about you." Bakugo muttered, obviously annoyed. "Awwh, just tell him I'm fine." Elena said before she sat up straight again. She turned to him, running her fingers through his hair.

She looked at his spiky locks, before she grabbed them. She began making small braids in his hair, finding it slightly difficult due to it being extremely spiky already. "What are you-" Bakugo asked, attempting to turn his head, but Elena used her quirk to keep his head still. "Shhh, It will look cute once I'm done." She said, smiling.

Bakugo sighed before he began scrolling through his phone. "You know, you're not so bad." Elena commented, patting his head once she was done. She had done about three small braids that looked absolutely adorable.

"Tch. You neither.." He mumbled before putting his phone on the nightstand. "It's 12 AM, we should sleep." Bakugo said, looking at Elena for confirmation. "I guess." She said, sighing. Bakugo ruffled her hair before he covered himself with the blanket. Elena smiled before laying down, closest to the wall as her back was turned against his.

Bakugo turned the light on his nightstand off before he fixed his pillow and laid down. After only a couple of seconds both of them were sound asleep.

"Little fucking shit! How could you let yourself be caught up in a villains grasp? You mistake!!" Her father yelled as he beat her into a pulp. He threw punch after punch at Elena as she laid on the floor almost completely helpless.

"She really is." A familiar voice said, appearing from the living room. The same villain that had attacked her that same day was there in all his glory, smiling evilly. He walked forward as Junichiro stepped back to let him grab her.

The villain grabbed Elena by her throat once more, holding it tight as he burnt her skin. "K-Katsuki-" She came to mumble, seeking for his help. "Your little boyfriend won't help you, see?" The villain said, clearing the way. Elena looked ahead, only to see Katsuki standing there, looking at Elena, right in her eyes. But he wasn't doing anything. He only stood there.

And before she knew it, he began laughing.

Elena woke up in panic, gasping for air as she held her throat. She felt the bed beside her shift as a hand grabbed hers. A voice was very faint for Elena, she couldn't hear it. "Oi, Elena!" Bakugo said, finally earning Elena's attention.

She looked at him in shock before she began sobbing. "H-he-" She started as tears fell from her eyes. Bakugo looked at her gently, his eyes soft and slightly tired before he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. "It's okay. Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you." Bakugo whispered into her ear comfortingly. After awhile, Elena came at ease, finally breathing normally as her crying stopped.

"Come on, let's sleep, yeah?" Bakugo asked, looking into her eyes that were barely visible in the dark. She nodded before they laid back down in the bed. "Bakugo...can you-" Elena began, feeling embarrassed by her request. Bakugo looked at her in confusion before he realized what she wanted. He didn't say anything before he wrapped his arms around her, his chest was against her back.

They decided to be quiet to make it less awkward. Elena held his arm between her own as she felt comfort in his embrace. The scent of smoky caramel and a nice warmth was surrounding her body, and it made her happy. Knowing he was there to protect her, even though she was fully capable of doing so herself, she felt safe.

She didn't have to worry about her father bursting in the room at any moment and beat her up. Not having to wake up earlier to make breakfast, and not eat anything. The only feeling she felt at that moment was happiness, peace and warmth. She smiled subconsciously before she began feeling her eyes get droopy.

She happened to hear something right before she fell asleep. She felt Bakugo's breath against her ear as he whispered.

'I'll protect you.'
Words: 1340

This was a little more of a short chapter. BUT HEY. I SEE SOME RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT HERE💅

Also, for those who be wondering why Bakugo ain't yelling his ass off in the night is because I picture him as the type to be very "hype, angry and energetic" in the day, but in the night he's a soft little teddy bear that just wants to sleep, yk?


Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter!

Ciao <3

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