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Elena floated in the air as red lighting flowed around the whole class. Elena began sweating a little as she held onto everyone except for Katsuki who was keeping himself in the air by his faint explosions.

Elena landed everyone safely on the ground before she practically dropped onto it herself.

"Thank you Elena!!"

"We owe you our lives!!"

"How can I repay you?!"

While the class began thanking Elena for her effort, she stood up, leaning against Katsuki whom supported her. "Don't worry about it. Since I didn't see anything from the dirt, I was afraid some rumbling or so would fall into you all. It was just to make sure." Elena said and scratched the back of her head.

"Hey! Since it's private land, you can use your quirks as you wish! You have three hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet, After getting through...the beast forest!" One of the wild wild pussycats yelled from the cliff.

Elena along with the whole class turned to look at the dark woods before them.

"The beast forest?! That sounds like it came right out of Deagon Quest!" Denki whined.

"U.A does stuff like this way too much." Jirou said as Elena helped her up. "Agreed.." Elena mumbled before Kiri spoke. "It's no use complaining. We just have to go."

And before she knew it, Mineta was zooming through the crowd and into the forest. "That's just sad.." She mumbled. But before she could react she felt rumbling underneath her feet as she looked up to the way of the forest.

And she saw something absolutely horrifying. "It's a beast!!" The boys yelled. Elena heard Koda yell towards the beast, but it didn't budge. "That thing isn't an animal. I can't even feel an actual aura from it. It's being controlled.." Elena said and sighed before she got in a fighting stance. "Guess we have to beat these fuckers up." Elena said before red lighting surrounded her. She took off into the air at the same time as she heard her other classmates take off.

Elena watched as the beast swinged it's arm at Mineta. Unfortunately Izuku saved him.

Todoroki blasted ice at the beast before Iida used his recipro burst to kick it. Some parts of the beast went into pieces before Elena smirked to herself.

"Die!!" Katsuki yelled at the same time as Elena used her new special move she's been working on. "Fire bullets!" Elena yelled as she fired floating stones that were surrounded by fire at the beast.

After a bit of training, she came to realize that the telekinesis couldn't only be used to move objects such as stones and everything. But it could be made to move and control fire. It's called Pyrokenesis. The move she just did isn't very tiring. She only uses her telekinesis since she only covers the stones in fire. She can only use it when fire is around, and luckily Katsuki fired an explosion at the beast.

As Katsuki and Elena fired at it at the same time, it was practically done for, just before Midriya took the finishing blow. He came from above and punched the beast with a yell. The wind pressure that came from the punch made Elena cover her eyes a little. "That's some fucking quirk." She said before Katsuki went up to her.

"What the fuck was that?!" He asked her, completely ignoring Izuku. "Well..." She began. After a few seconds, she explained how she noticed the ability when she was out training. She had only known about it for about a week. She was out training late at night, a fire pit nearby to light up the place. She was training her telekinesis and happened to use it on fire. It shocked her at first, but then it began making sense.

"You guys defeated that beast in an instant!" Sato admired. "You guys are amazing!" Kirishima said, putting his arms over Elena's shoulder. "Not yet." Katsuki suddenly said, looking into the forest. And before Elena knew it, she saw another beast flying into the sky.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎 - 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now