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I decided to have this chapter be more texting than action. However the next chapter will be the swimming episode👍😵‍💫👍

The next day was the day of the ending ceremony. Nezu had his speech, which ended with a simple "Go Plus Ultra".

As Elena walked out of the room she knew she'd have this whole summer, be spent with her father, and possibly Shinso. However she still hoped that her classmates would hangout sometimes even out of the training camp.


Seeing as it was summer vacation, finally. Elena took the courage to check out the new group Mina had made.

Sitting in her bed, she saw Mina messaging something in the group.

Class 1-A Girls

Mina changed Elena, Jirou+ 3 others names

Mina changes their name to Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie: So, Since it's summer vacaaaaaa. Is anyone up for swimming at the pool in school? I already asked Aizawa for permission💅✨

Kirby: Sure!

Crafting Table: Of course! I'll make sure to bring some swimming suits for all of you!

Wanda Knock-off: I think we all have swimming suits. Either way we have some from school, so no need to be all snobby and suppose we're all poor just because you're rich

Pinkie Pie: Pop off, El. Anywhore, where's the others?

Kermit Knock-off: Here. I'd like to join. Also, Mina-Chan, you did a great job at naming us, Kero.

Pinkie Pie: Thank you Tsu!

Badass: sure, I'm in.

Pinkie Pie: YES!

Wanda Knock-off: FUCK YES. WE GET QUEEN JIROU IN THE GAME✨✌🏼💅 However, what day is it?

Kermit Knock-Off: I think it was on Friday before the training camp, Kero.

Wanda Knock-off: Aight, so, what're you all doing for summer, except for the training camp?


Elena kept messaging the group of the girls for the night. She giggled at some messages, but ignored Momo completely, trying to change topic whenever Momo spoke.

Sadly most of them had already went to sleep. It was 1 AM and Elena maintained awake. She knew Shinso was asleep since his sister forced him to. Elena just stared up at the ceiling as she hugged one of her pillows. "I fucking hate this place.." She mumbled to herself.

Staring into the ceiling for quite some time, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone vibrating. She picked up the phone and got slightly blinded by the light emitting from it.

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