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After a week full of events, it was finally time for the training camp. Elena stood with Kirishima and Katsuki, chatting away. Aizawa wasn't there yet, but he would show up any minute.

After a little while, Aizawa finally appeared and immediately began speaking. "U.A high has finished its first semester and started summer vacation, however... those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights than Plus Ultra." He said, looking at the class before he walked away to god knows where.

Elena went up to Kirishima, about to ask him if he wanted to sit with her in the bus. "Hey Kiri! Wanna sit with me in the bus?" Elena asked, smiling. Kirishima panicked a little before he grabbed Mina, passing by. "Sorry...me and Mina are sitting." He said and waved her hand in the air before he walked away.

Elena sighed before she was pulled back. "Tch..uh.." Katsuki began, stuttering when trying to figure out what to say. "Oh, hey Kat. Wanna sit with me?" She asked, helping him tons by saying that.

He nodded very faintly before Elena smiled and pulled him with her. But she was stopped in her tracks when she heard a familiar voice.

"Awh, if it isn't the lovebirds...you know, you two stick together like glue. Are you together?" Monoma asked and pointed at Elena and Katsuki.

Elena and Katsuki turned their heads and glared at him. "What did you say?" They asked at the same time before they sprinted towards him. Monoma screeched loudly. But before Elena and Katsuki could react they were pulled back by Aizawa's scarf.

"Behave! Both of you. I have no problem with giving you both a lesson." Aizawa said as he let them go of his scarf. Elena growled along with Katsuki while Monoma was practically shaking behind Kendo.

And before she knew it, he had gone to talk shit about her other classmates. "What? There are people in class A taking extra classes?? Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? What? Isn't that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B?" He asked, pulling his hair back.

But before Elena could act, Kendo had smacked his head and knocked him out. "Sorry!" Kendo apologized. Elena already knew she loved Kendo. As Elena looked around, she finally noticed all of Class B there. "We kind of met during the sports festival, but nice to meet you, Class A!" A girl with green hair said.

"We're getting on the bus!" Kendo said as she dragged Monoma up into the bus.

As the girls ran towards the bus, Elena came to notice Mineta beside her, staring at the girls, drooling away.

"Oi! Fuckhead. Keep it together!" Elena said and smacked him on the back of his head. She didn't take note of how small he was, so she accidentally sent him flying into their bus.

"Oh well, we were going to get in there anyways.." Elena smiled, looking at Katsuki whom was smiling at her.

"Class A's bus is this way! Line up in seat order!" Iida said and waved his robotic hands in the air. Elena sighed before she put her bags in the bus and boarded with Katsuki. They made sure to sit in the back of the bus so that nobody would disturb them. Elena hadn't gotten much sleep, so she wanted to sleep while she could. It was the same with Katsuki.

Elena got her earphones out of her bag and plugged them into her phone and put them in her ears before she turned her playlist on. Her music was pretty weird at times, she had all sorts of music tastes. It depends on what mood she was in. But she usually listened to calm and soft music like Cornfield Chase, Ylang Ylang, and YKWIM. But then it could shift, and she could listen to some R&B.

She leaned her head against the window as the bus began moving. She managed to close her eyes, but before she could react, her left earphone was taken.

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