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9th August <3


Two days after she had submitted her suit, Elena had went to Gym Gamma, only to be informed that her suit was ready and waiting for her in the lab with Hatsume and Power Loader, in which Elena had found out the name of only a few minutes before.

Elena was told about the changes of the suit, and how to put it on properly. Hatsume was thrilled and asked if she could join Elena in the trying of the suit in Gym Gamma. Power Loader had accepted the request and told her Elena to put it on as soon as possible and begin trying it out.

Elena nodded and walked out of the room. After a couple of minutes, Elena arrived back in gym gamma where Hatsume and Power Loader stood, talking brightly with Aizawa. Hatsume immediately turned around and squealed. "It looks badass! I love it!!" she yelled, making Aizawa nod in approval.

Her boots reached up high thigh as she had on a plain bodysuit with special made arms. "I feel badass." Elena said, smiling proudly.

"Try everything out!" Hatsume said basically jumping in excitement.

Elena nodded and walked over to her original site. "So, how do I activate the boots?" Elena asked, looking curiously at Hatsume as she levitated. "Think about it, and it should activate. You see, on your neck, the device there is is connected to the nerves to your brain. It could send signals which should activate the boots and the fire device on command. However I do think it'll take a bit of time to get ahold off." Hatsume rambled as the class looked curiously over to Elena. Katsuki had ignored Ectoplasms yells when he had landed on the ground to check Elena out.

He thought she looked absolutely amazing in her suit, and he hadn't examined it close up yet. She also took his advice, she got a mask similar to his own on her face, making her look similar to him. "Alright.." She said as she levitated, and within a second the boots activated as she began flying in an immense speed around in the stadium. "I fucking love this!." Elena yelled before she landed back on the ground, smiling proudly. Katsuki held a face of amazement at Elena's amazing improvement.


"Sensei also added the pills to the costume as requested, so they should be there." She continued and pointed at the containers on her arms. Elena nodded. "Try out your new move, with your Pyrokinesis." Aizawa said as Elena quickly ran over to her site. Hatsume began cheering as the class looked over to check it out. Katsuki blasted himself to the ground right beside Aizawa. "You think it'll work?" He asked, looking at Aizawa.

Aizawa nodded as Elena closed her eyes and focused on the fire device lighting up. She felt a slight heat erupt on the top of her hand, so she assumed that it was the fire. Her eyes lit red once more as fire surrounded her. "Kenetic Outburst!" She yelled before it bursted out in different directions, almost like an explosion. Hatsume jumped around and cheered. "Yes!!"

Elena smiled brightly and looked back at Katsuki whom smirked proudly at her. Aizawa was smiling gently before nodding in approval. "I fucking did it!!" Elena said as she appeared right infront of Katsuki in a second, having teleported.

Katsuki smirked before he patted her head. "Pretty fucking awesome. You just might steal my spotlight." Katsuki said, smirking in a teasing way.  "Good work, Elena. Keep it up." Aizawa said sternly, while his heart was squeezing in a proud manner.

Elena nodded and looked at him knowingly before she hugged Katsuki and looked at Hatsume.

"Do you have any complaints?" Hatsume asked, looking at Elena as Power Loader approached. "Nope, I love it! Thank you, Hatsume! And of course, Sensei." Elena said, looking at Power Loader with a smile.

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